I am a clinical psychologist, trained in victimology and psycho-traumatology and in continuing education in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. In parallel to my consultation, I work in the Mental Health Service of the Province of Brabant Wallon in Tubize with adults and adolescents. As a person and a psychologist, I have always valued listening and empathy. Thus, the welcome and the non-judgmental attitude that I guarantee to my patients, allow me to create a secure relationship with them, characterized by benevolence. My practice is characterized by the use of various tools such as relaxation, anchoring and self-hypnosis techniques. The patient can learn to use these tools to work through his or her emotions and experience them more serenely. The establishment of a trusting and collaborative relationship between the patient and myself is essential in order for us to work together. In this way, the support that I will offer the patient will allow him/her to have a space where he/she can free his/her speech and verbalize his/her emotions, so that we can make sense of what he/she is going through. The change that the patient wants to achieve and the setting of objectives according to his initial request, as well as the realization of new experiences in a secure place, will be at the center of the care that I propose to offer him.