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Joëlle Smets


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Passionate about human relations has always been an art historian and philosopher long time, clinical sexologist in recent years, I realize that sexuality now occupies an important place in the lives of couples. It is the words of the French sociologist Georges Eid, their "cement". But sometimes this link weakens ... Maybe you lived intimate difficulties? You may know you fatigue, loss of desire, lack of enjoyment, too fast enjoyment, pain, addiction? Maybe you have problems with your partner after an infidelity? Maybe do not you give your desires? Through my private training and academic sexology, my personal experiences and constant reflection on sexuality, I can help you overcome these problems. sexologist Joëlle Smets receives you in his private practice on Monday and Tuesday from 18:30 to 20:30 on Wednesdays from 15h to 19h Thursday from 14h to 19h and Friday and Saturday from 11h to 18h.
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  • Training in Clinical Sexology at the ULB+(Private) training in Sexo-functional given by Dr. Pascal De Sutter and Dr. François De+Carufel+(Private) training in Sex-positive given by Dr. Iv Psalti+Licence in Art History at the Free University of Brussels+Application in Art History at the Free University of Brussels+Application in Philosophy at the Free University of Brussels

Professional experience

  • Assistante chargée d'exercices du Master de spécialisation en sexologie et clinique des sexualités de l'ULB, ULB, Belgique (2024)

Organisations member

  • -Member of the SSUB, Société des+Sexologues Universitaires de Belgique+ -Member of STRIGES, Structure de recherche interdisciplinaire sur le genre, l'égalité et la sexualité+ -Responsible for the Sexo section of the website since May 2017: publication each week of 2 articles related to sexuality+ -Author of the Facebook page Sexplicite of Joelle Smets
  • -Membre de STRIGES, Structure de recherche interdisciplinaire sur le genre, l'égalité et la sexualité

Participation in conferences

  • Conférence: Libérer la puissance sexuelle des femmes: au- delà des normes patriarcales, Le Bocholtz à Liège (2024)
  • Conférence "La puissance sexuelle des femmes", Bibliothèque de Strépy-Bracquegnies (2024)
  • Conférence "La sexualité des femmes seniors", Bibliothèque des Riches Claires (2024)

Spoken languages

  • French

Academic research and publications

  • -Préface du livre pour livre pour enfants « Eléphantine veut tout savoir sur sa zézette », édition Les nez à nez (2020)
  • -Collaboration scientifique avec l'ULB, l'Université libre de Bruxelles pour une étude sur le désir féminin (2021)
  • Publication du livre "La puissance sexuelle des femmes" (éd. Kennes) (2024)
  • -Rédaction d'articles sexos pour le magazine Fifty&Me. Ceux-ci sont relayés sur la page Facebook: sexplicite de joelle smets et le site internets :
  • Préface du livre "Le clito quoi?" de Natacha de Locht (éd Les nez à nez) (2024)


What is the address of the health professional Joëlle Smets?

The practitioner Joëlle Smets is situated at limit street 128 in Saint-Josse-Ten-Noode.

Is the Joëlle Smets health professional accepting new patients?
What payment methods does Joëlle Smets accept?
What languages does the Joëlle Smets health professional speak?
Doctoranytime is an end-to-end solution that assists the user from the moment they experience a health symptom until the moment it is resolved, by enabling them to find the specialist they need, request guidance via chat and talk to them via video call. The information provided has been filled in by Joelle Smets and edited by the doctoranytime team.
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