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Mélanie Rensonnet

Sophrologist in Namur

    • Rue du Lombard 8, Namur, Region of Namur
Not available for online booking
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Relaxation therapy is for people who want to: - Better manage their stress and anxieties - improve their professional / personal life - live serenely transitions and changes - Resume-confidence - Preparing for exams, events important - preparing for a birth ... with suitable playful exercises, the child can appropriate simple tools that can reproduce at home or at school. The child can practice relaxation therapy from 2 or 3 years (depending on maturity). The more the child is young, more sessions will be short (between 25 minutes and 50 minutes on average). Through breathing and body work, the child learns to develop and strengthen - its managing stress and emotions - his relationship to failure - his memory and concentration - his confidence. - its adaptability (separation, removal, the arrival of a little sister or a little brother ...) - controlling its movements, whether situated in time and space - the quality of sleep - ...
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The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.

Access Information

    • Rue du Lombard 8, Namur, Region of Namur
  • Parking

    • Easy parking

Payment Methods

    • Cash


  • First consultation of sophrology
  • Sophrology consultation



  • Sophrologist (IFS) Trained in sophrology adapted to children and adolescents Certified sophrologist member of the French network of sophrologists specializing in children (La Bulle des Emotions) Specialization in sleep management Member of Certified Sleep

Organisations member

  • Member of the French network of sophrologists specializing in childhood (La Bulle des Émotions) Members of certified Sleep sophrologists mid=1cY17W8MUZSHrMp6ElJqlqEpgD6E&ll=48.82450

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French


What is the address of the health professional Mélanie Rensonnet?

Rue du Lombard 8 in Namur is the address of the practitioner Mélanie Rensonnet.

Is the Mélanie Rensonnet practitioner accepting new patients?
What payment methods does Mélanie Rensonnet accept?
What languages does the Mélanie Rensonnet practitioner speak?
Is the Mélanie Rensonnet health professional a member of any associations?
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