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Dr Pierre Philippart Stomatologist | doctoranytime Dr Pierre Philippart Stomatologist | doctoranytime
License number: 12851411520

Pierre Philippart

Stomatologist in Auderghem

    • cabinet Luyckx, rue des pêcheries 76, 1160, Auderghem, Region Brussels
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Stomatologist Maxillofacial surgery; bone grafts, implantology Aesthetic medicine Functional medicine ATTENTION: APPOINTMENT ONLY BY PHONE 0472 79 73 92

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Access Information

    • cabinet Luyckx, rue des pêcheries 76, 1160, Auderghem, Region Brussels
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  • ULB+005 Ph. D. in Medical Sciences, Dissertation title: Clinical retrospective study of non vascularized bone grafts using concentrated platelets and human truncated tissue factor (243 aa); promotors: Pr. Pochet, Pr. Bollen;+Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium 1998 Fellow of the European Board of Oro-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Passed the exam of E.B.O.M.F.S. (European Board of Oro-Maxillo-Facial Surgery);+Helsinki, Finland 1994 Graduation in Maxillo-facial Surgery and Facial Plastic, continuous training. Dissertation title: "Orthopedic surgery on subject partially toothless with anchoring and stabilization via osteo-integrated implants"; promoters: Pr. Stricker, Pr. Chassagne;+University of Nancy 1, France, 1990 Expert in Oral and Maxillo-facial Surgery, as per art° 5 of Ministery act of 26th of April 1982 1986 Recognized specialist in Stomatology and Maxilllo-facial Surgery 1985 Post-graduation in Stomatology, Hôpital Universitaire St-Pierre & Hôpital Erasme, under supervision of Dr Mayer and Dr Daelemans 1984 Degree in Dentistry, D.D.S.,+1981 Degree in Medicine, M.D., Surgery and Delivery,+Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, obtained with "Grande Distinction "+

Professional experience

  • Saint Peter's University Hospital 1981-1985+Erasmus Hospital 1985-1994+IRIS SUD Hospitals 1991-2021+

Organisations member

  • Royal Belgian Society of Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery

Participation in conferences

  • Inducing human bone marrow to safety autologous bioreactor suitable for bone reconstruction surgery : 3rd International Congress Biotechnologies for Spinal Surgery September 1st - 4th, 2010 Amsterdam, Netherlands+- In vivo Autologous Stem Cells Production in Human Bone Marrowsuitable for bone surgery . Oral communication Bone-Tec Symposium Oct 6-9th 2009.Hannover.Germany+ Faculty member to present during the 4th International Symposium on Peri-Operative Blood Management Techniques. Which material to activate platelet gel , in safety and powerful biological conditions comparison in the clinical practice and fundamental studies, on Friday Oct. 5th 2007 October 4th to 6th 2007, in the Catharina Hospital Eindhoven, The Netherlands+Recombinant human tissue factor is an easier and more predictable gel preparation trigger compared to autologous thrombin, and a completely safe alternative to bovine thrombin for platelet gel in human surgery Pierre Philippart, Valéry Daubie, Roland Pochet; Regenerative World Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Westin Convention Center, April 25- 26th 2006, Pittsburgh, USA+Characterization of human bone graft made by PepGen P-15, tissue factor, platelets rich plasma and ground calvarian bone, V. Daubie, P. Philippart, S. Houard, R. Pochet, II Annual Meeting of the European Tissue Engineering Society, Sept. 3-6th, 2003, Genoa, Italy+Human recombinant tissue factor platelets rich plasma induce a high level of vascular scaffolding in human bone: a 5 years survey, P. Philippart, V. Daubie, R. Pochet, Aug. 14-19th, 2005; Poster presented at the Gordon Research Conference; Salve Regina University Newport, Rhode Island, USA+Tissue Factor (TF): A Signaling Receptor for bone Regeneration. A Five Years Study, Communication n° 7 lecture; P.Philippart, M.Brasseur, R.Pochet;10th International Congress on Reconstructive Preprosthetic Surgery; April 5-7 2003 Palm Springs, USA+ Enhanced Bone formation in sinus graft using platelets rich plasma gel induced by Rh Tissue factor; A five years clinical study; Abstract, n°101 (biomaterials); P.Philippart, M.Brassueur, D.Hoyaux, R.Pochet; European Association for Osteointegration; Free University of Brussels, Sept 12-14, 2002 Brussels, Belgium+Human bone graft regeneration induced by platelets rich plasma gel with recombinant human tissue factor: A 4 years clinical study; Communication n°428 lecture; P. Philippart, M. Brasseur, D. Hoyaux, R. Pochet; XVIth Congress of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, Sept 3-7, 2002, Munster, Germany+Use of recombinant Human Tissue Factor as promotor for osseous regeneration; Communication n° 84 lecture; Philippart.P, Brasseur.M, Pochet.R, IXth International Congress on Reconstructive Preprosthetic Surgery, P.Philippart, May 10-12, 2001, Kiel, Germany

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French
  • Dutch

Academic Research and Publications

  • In VIVO production of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells after injection of Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma activated by Recombinant Human Tissue Factor in the bone Marrow on healthy volunteers . P.Philippart,N.Meuleman,B.Stamatopoulos,M.Najar, K.Pieters, C.De Bruyn, D.Bron,L.Lagneaux. Tisuue Enginnering Part A.2014,20.160-170+Tissue factor: a mini-review; Valéry Daubie, MSc Eng; Roland Pochet, PhD; Sophie Houard, PhD; Pierre Philippart, MD, PhD. Journal Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine , feb 2007.)+Sinus grafting using recombinant human Tissue Factor, Platelet Rich Plasma gel, autologous bone and anorganic bovine bone mineral xenograft: Histological analysis and case reports, P.Philippart, V.Daubie, R.Pochet; International Journal Oral Maxillofac implants 2005; 20:274-281+Human Recombinant Tissue Factor, Platelets Rich Plasma and Tetracycline induce a high quality human bone graft: A five years survey; P.Philippart, M.Brassueur, D.Hoyaux, R.Pochet; International Journal of Oral and Maxllio-Facial Implants 2003+S100A8 and S100A9 immunohistochemistry on early oral implant failure. A case report; P.Philippart, M.Hermans, D.Hoyaux, J.Roth, C.Malevez, R.Pochet; Journal of Periodontology; 2003+ S100A8 and S100A9 calcium binding proteins; localisation within normal and cyclosporine. A induced gingival overgrowth; S.Echelard, D.hoyaux, M.Hermans, P.Daelemans, J.Roth, P.Philippart, R.Pochet; Connective Tissue Research; 2001+Lambeaux libres musculo-osseux en chirurgie maxillo- faciale; P.Philippart A. Lemaitre, F. Schuind, P. Godart, P.Daelemans, F. Burny ; Revue de Stomatologie et Chirurgie Maxillo-Paciale de France; 1989,6,252-263.+ Revascularized composite flaps, indications and results ; F.Schuind, P. Philippart, A. Lemaitre, P. Godart, P.Daelemans, F. Burny ; Acta Orthopedica Belgica, Dec.88


What is the address of practitioner Pierre Philippart?

Dr. Pierre Philippart is located at rue des pêcheries 76, 1160 in Auderghem.

What are the payment methods accepted by practitioner Pierre Philippart?
What languages does Dr. Pierre Philippart speak?
Is Doctor Pierre Philippart a member of any associations?
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