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Zvezdelina Triffonova

Therapist in Wilrijk

    • Prins Boudewijnlaan 147, Wilrijk, Region Antwerp
Not available for online booking
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I have been involved in alternative medicine for over 25 years. As humans we are closely linked to nature and the universe. Living in harmony with this is what the holistic vision strives for. Here we have to turn our gaze inwards. Looking at ourselves is the challenge. A holistic treatment harmonizes our body, mind and spirit and is based on the relational connection between physical health and the emotional state of humans.
I assume that every person is unique. Therefore, the approach to the treatment I give is individual. My recommendations and methods used are therefore adapted to what the client comes up with. During the consultation, the treatment technique that is needed at that moment is discussed and applied: holistic massage, aura and chakra healing, foot reflexology, Bach flower therapy…
My treatments are intended for anyone whose harmony is out of balance due to stress, pain, anger, confusion, loneliness,… and therefore experiences little energy. My methods are aimed at restoring the energy balance so that the client can further, in harmony, develop his self-esteem and self-acceptance.Ik ga er van uit dat ieder mens uniek is. Daarom is de aanpak van de behandeling die ik geef individueel. Mijn aanbevelingen en gebruikte methodes zijn dan ook aangepast aan datgene waarmee de cliënt komt. Tijdens de consultatie wordt de behandelingstechniek, die op dat moment nodig is, besproken en toegepast: holistische massage, aura en chakra healing, voetreflexologie, Bach bloesem therapie…
Mijn behandelingen zijn bedoeld voor iedereen waarbij de harmonie uit balans is door stress, pijn, boosheid, verwarring, eenzaamheid, … en die daardoor weinig energie ervaart. Mijn methodes zijn er op gericht de energiebalans te herstellen zodat de cliënt verder, in harmonie, zijn zelfrespect en zelfacceptatie kan ontwikkelen.

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.

Access Information

    • Prins Boudewijnlaan 147, Wilrijk, Region Antwerp
  • Parking

    • Easy parking

Payment Methods

    • Cash
    • Payconiq


  • Couple therapy
  • Family therapy
  • General consultation
  • Individual therapy



  • 1995 University training in economic management
  • 1995 Alternative healing therapies and healthy nutrition in Moscow
  • 2003 Training foot reflexology in Singapore and the Netherlands
  • 2013 Training as an energetic consultant in Antwerp Course in massage therapy Course on meridians 5 elements

Professional experience

  • 1998 Worked for 1 year in Switzerland in a European project in which a collaboration between traditional and alternative medicine was central 1998 Energetic therapist
  • 1998 Energetisch therapeut

Spoken languages

  • English
  • Dutch
  • Bulgarian


What is the address of the health professional Zvezdelina Triffonova?

Prins Boudewijnlaan 147 in Wilrijk is the address of the health professional Zvezdelina Triffonova.

Is the Zvezdelina Triffonova health professional accepting new patients?
What payment methods does Zvezdelina Triffonova accept?
What languages does the Zvezdelina Triffonova health professional speak?
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