Clinical behavioral psychologist with a Master's degree in psychotherapy, trained in Coaching, Brief Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). She holds a Certificate from the Training Institute for Parental Burnout: "Understanding, diagnosing and preventing parental burnout". My interviews are dynamic. They are not interviews where you talk in a vacuum. I guide the reflection, I share my impressions. Together we look for solutions to improve our well-being or to accept our experiences and thoughts, while respecting the rhythm and personality of each person. I draw a lot of inspiration from positive psychology in my therapeutic follow-ups. This does not consist in idealizing the world nor in denying the psychological sufferings (on the contrary) but in managing to see beyond these sufferings. Psychological distress encloses most of us and the objective of the therapeutic follow-up will be to increase psychological flexibility in order to encourage commitment to actions that contribute to the construction of a rich and meaningful existence. The therapies that I propose aim to teach a new way of living with our past suffering or our future anxieties. They defuse the excessive influence of our emotions on our behavior by showing us that we should not believe everything we think (e.g. anxiety attacks). In short, if we suffer, we are anxious, we worry, it is because life has meaning and rather than dwell too long on our dysfunctions, we will find and reconnect to what is really important for each of us! The goal is to move towards our values (which our thoughts and emotions often prevent us from doing). These therapies are similar to coaching. Accepting what cannot be changed and engaging in what can be changed. These are 50 minute sessions. The frequency and duration of the therapy is based on the needs of the patient. In addition to this private practice, I work in a prison health promotion center. I obtained my master's degree in psychology in 2003 and completed a complementary master's degree in psychotherapy at the Université Catholique de Louvain in June 2012. I mainly intervene in the following issues: Relational and emotional difficulties, Anxiety and depressive disorders, Ruminative thoughts, Anxiety attacks, Lack of self-confidence, Poor self-esteem, Lack of self-assertion, Poor management of emotions, Parental burnout, Sexual abuse issues, Professional difficulties, School difficulties