Hello! My name is Nastassia. 2 weeks ago I was in Belarus and I received the results of a blood test. Antibodies to Helicobacter pylori infection have been found. The doctor asked me to take the Urea breath test, but I didn’t have time because I had to go to Belgium. Can I take the test without consulting a physician and receive the result by myself for further consultation with my personal physician from Belarus? Can you please tell me how the breath test is performed? It scares me that the time indicated on the website is 15 minutes. However, in the classic version, it is 45 minutes. Thank you so much in advance)
In Belgium we don’t use this tests for diagnosis:
The exacte clinical signification of antibodies iOS variable.that means that you have a contact with HP.
Breath test is usually using to confirm the success of the traitement.
HP have to be search by endoscopy with biopsy first .
The need to treatment depends in presence of HP but not only ,they others finding(metaplasia ,ulcers,….)are mandatory to indicate the treatment and survey.
Bests regards
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