• Vaccination
  • Submitted on 20/04/2023

Do the boys over 9 years old need to have additional vaccines? If so, which ones and when? Thank you in advance

4 specialists answered

  • At the age of 15 years old a vaccine which has done when he had already under 1 year, named BOOSTRIX

    Florence Nkaere

    General practitioner


  • Papillomavirus 13 y
    Diphtérie Tetanos Coqueluche 15y
    See the school health service

    Anne Pierlot



  • We need to know which vaccine he already have to respond. But in Belgium we do additional vaccines after 9 years .For exemple, against the HPV, that can cause cancer on the penis .

    Roman Loquette

    General practitioner


  • Yes, at 12 yo they need booster shots of DITEPER (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis) before entering the college cycle.

    Eddy Kisoka

    General practitioner


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