• General topics
  • Submitted on 13/06/2023

dull pain in the lower right just under the stomach, concerned it might be ovarian or cervic cancer, what tests should i do ? Female 21

6 specialists answered

  • Why do you think about this kind of issue? Is there a familiarity ? However better to perform transvaginal ultrasound and gynecological examination to rule out these pathologies

    Stefania Mosele



  • Ultrasound

    Ahmed Wafi



  • Abdominal Ultrason

    Samuel Esole Yuna

    General practitioner


  • Hi , an intravaginal ultrasound

    Nsangu Nzeza Kiluangu

    General practitioner


  • First, there are no cervical cancer at your age. Secund, the ovaries are not under the stomach. You should see your GP to search the origin of that pain, digestive maybe

    Alain Hottart



  • You can see first you gp and then he will send you to other specialist.

    Anastasia Dimitriadou



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