Specialist in Gynecology-Obstetrics, I work mainly at the Cliniques de l'Europe on the St-Michel site where I generally monitor pregnancies, childbirths and surgical interventions (laparoscopic and benign hysteroscopic surgery). I also work on the Ste Elisabeth site where I perform breast and seno-oncological surgeries, as well as one afternoon of consultation per week. Consultations: - Saint-Michel: Monday afternoon, Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday all day - Saint Elisabeth: Thursday afternoon - Aspera Medical: Tuesday morning Please take 2 mutual stickers for the consultation if possible. Type of consultations (non-exhaustive): - Routine gynecological consultation: annual consultation and infectious or oncological screenings, contraception, desire to become pregnant, etc. - Pregnancy consultation: first pregnancy consultation (7 weeks from the last period in general ), followed by pregnancy. - Senology consultation: development of breast mass or clinical abnormality, discussion of mammography results, treatment of cancers, etc. For the insertion of an IUD or implanon: A prior consultation before insertion is necessary for all patients, in order to assess whether this is the best contraception for you, to assess its feasibility, and to give you the necessary prescriptions. To insert the IUD, preferably wait for the start of your period. Don't forget to take mutual insurance stickers.