Nassim is a physical therapist graduating in June 2021. Although he has a master's degree in low back pain, he is able to manage musculoskeletal disorders in a general way, while adapting to the patient and offering specific follow-up. As a young graduate, Nassim has been educated with the latest recommendations in kinesiology and management. He will be able to advise you and answer your questions in the most relevant way. Following a training in sports kinesiology at the UCL, he aspires to train as much as possible in order to remain as close as possible to scientific rigor. He covers the fields of general physiotherapy (orthopedic, neuromuscular, musculoskeletal disorders, revalidation, rehabilitation...), sports physiotherapy (rehabilitation according to the practice, reathletization, ...), pre/post-operation physiotherapy (reinforcement, rehabilitation...) and finally cardiorespiratory physiotherapy.