I support you in discovering and facing what prevents you from being comfortable with yourself and your life, by identifying and treating the causes that brought you to your current situation, and from there, to evolve towards a better version of yourself. I mainly use three techniques or methods: Pranic Healing (certified by the Institute for Inner Studies Inc.), the Comprehensive Emotional Diagnosis (DEI) and the Universal Pendulum, and also flower essences to continue to support your process between two sessions . The approach to my sessions is based on two principles: 1. “All experiences leave a trace in us”: some of them lead us to develop our best version while others block us and prevent our evolution. And, 2. "Everything is energy", including emotions, thoughts and even our physical body, so with the right methods it is entirely possible to access these levels of information and help the body restore/strengthen its capacity for self-recovery. I welcome you in Spanish, French and English.