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Sophie Delaunay Vagliasindi (Psycholoog): Boek online een afspraak Sophie Delaunay Vagliasindi (Psycholoog): Boek online een afspraak

Sophie Delaunay Vagliasindi Master, Bac


Erkenningsnummer: 972238875

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  • Geschatte bevestigingstijd 180 +


I am a clinical and developmental psychologist with a strong belief in the importance of continuous learning and integrating many different theoretical perspectives in one's work. I love learning and striving to better understand the human experience.

We are all different. We possess our own internal universe and external world that shape our thoughts and emotions.

I believe moments of discomfort can lead to profound personal growth and insight.

Not everything can and needs to be rationally explained, but the desire to better understand oneself is often central in therapy. I emphasize a listening and integrating approach, where I engage deeply with my clients, fostering a therapeutic relationship that is collaborative. I invest myself in this relationship too, hoping to create the safest space possible for exploration and healing.

To quote Carl Jung: "one who looks outside, dreams. One who looks inside, awakens".

Through my scientific career focusing on brain metabolism and the gut-brain axis, when desired, I can also offer insights into how the body influences our thoughts, as much as our thoughts influence our bodies.

De beschrijving werd aangepast door het Doctoranytime team, gebaseerd op geverifieerde informatie.

Specialisatie en ervaring

  • Gezinstherapie
  • Kind en tiener
  • Relatietherapie
  • Positieve en humanistische psychologie
  • Psychovoeding
  • Stemmingsstoornissen
  • Ontwikkelingsstoornissen

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  • BSc, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bachelor in Psychology (2015 - 2018)
  • MSc, University of Kent, Master in Developmental Psychology (2019 - 2020)
  • MSc, Université Catholique de Louvain, Master in Clinical Psychology (specialisation in childhood, adolescence and family dynamics) (2021 - 2023)

Professionele ervaring

  • Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Private Practice, Belgium and Europe (2023 - Present)
  • Trainer for health practitioners; teaching the gut-brain axis, GAPS Training, International (2023 - Present)
  • Scientific Researcher, GAPS Science Foundation, US (2021 - Present)
  • Developmental Psychologist, Private Practice, Belgium and Europe (2020 - Present)

Deelnames aan conferenties

  • Formation à l'utilisation du Test d'Apperception Thématique (TAT), (2017)
  • Formation au diagnostic psychologique, (2017)
  • Cours de pleine conscience de 8 semaines (format intensif), (2019)
  • Cours de 8 semaines sur la neuroplasticité positive basé sur la méthode de Rick Hanson , (2020)
  • Psychonutrition: Formation certifiée en ligne de 15 semaines dispensée par le Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride, fondatrice de la méthode Gut And Psychology, (2021)


  • Engels
  • Frans
  • Italiaans


  • Vagliasindi, S. D., Seneff, S., Coro, S., Planckaert, O., Declercq, S., & Campbell-McBride, N. (2024). The GAPS Nutritional Protocol As a Dietary Treatment for Inflammatory Bowel Disorders: Analysis of Eight Case Studies. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 39(2). (2024)
  • Planckaert, et al. (2024) The GAPS Nutritional Protocol: An Efficient Solution for Resolving Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome and Food Protein-Induced Allergic Proctocolitis. J Orthomol Med. 39.2 (2024)
  • Delaunay Vagliasindi, S., Zech, E., & de Condé, H. Exploring the relationship between therapists’ personal and professional characteristics and the events they report as significant in their clinical practice., Université Catholique de Louvain (2023)
  • Delaunay-Vagliasindi, S., Seneff, S., Coro, S., Plotner, B., & Campbell-McBride, N. (2022). Why the GAPS Nutritional Protocol is a Promising Treatment for Tics and Tic-Related Disorders: Analysis of Six Case Studies. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 37(1). (2022)
  • Delaunay-Vagliasindi, S., Seneff, S., Coro, S., & Campbell-McBride, N. (2021). GAPS Nutritional Protocol as a Treatment for PANDAS: A Case Study. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 36(3). (2021)
  • Delaunay-Vagliasindi, S., Seneff, S., & Campbell-McBride, N. (2021). GAPS nutritional protocol: How healing the gut removes the basis for all chronic diseases. J Orthomol Med, 36(3), 1-7. (2021)


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De praktijk van gezondheidsdeskundige Sophie Delaunay Vagliasindi is gelegen in Vidéo-consultation in Ixelles.

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