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Dominique Badr graduated in Obstetrics Gynecology in 2018. He continued his subspecialty in Fetal Medicine and High-Risk Pregnancy at CHU Brugmann, Université Libres de Bruxelles, where he currently works as deputy clinical head. He holds a diploma in Fetal Medicine and a diploma in Gynecological and Obstetric Ultrasound from the University of Paris-Sud, a diploma in Pregnancy and Maternal Diseases from the University of Paris Diderot and a diploma in Advanced Laparoscopy in Gynecology from the International Center of Clermont-Ferrand. Dr Badr also works in the field of biomedical statistics and scientific research and is the author of numerous publications in the field. He is currently participating in several research projects including the European project concerning the integration of artificial intelligence in gynecological and obstetric ultrasound.

  • License number: 10218180340
The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.


Relative Experience

  • Perinatal diagnosis
  • Childbirth
  • Fetal medicine
  • Pregnancy follow-up
  • Fetal ultrasound

Grossesse gemellaire; malformations foetales; grossesse à risque; biospie du trophoblaste; amnicentèse; transfusion in utéro.

71 patients' recommendations


Costs are indicative and will be determined on a case by case basis

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      Avenue de l'Araucaria 79, Brussels
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      During your visit, you can select the payment method of your choice from the options mentioned above.

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      You can always cancel up to 3 hours before the appointment. For more information please read our cancellation policy.



  • Université Paris-Sud et Sorbonne Université, Diplôme en médecine foetale (2018)
  • Clermont-Ferrand, Diploma of Advanced Laparoscopy in Gynecology with European certification in partnership with ESGE (2019)
  • Université Paris Diderot, Diplôme Inter-Universitaire de pathologies maternelles et grossesse (2019)
  • Université Paris-Sud et Sorbonne Université, Diplôme Inter-Universitaire d’Echographie Gynécologique et Obstétricale (2019)

Professional experience

  • Gynécologue, CHU Brugmann, Belgique (2018 - Présent)
  • Chef de Clinique Adjoint, CHU Brugmann, Belgique (2023 - Présent)

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French
  • Arab

Answers to patient questions

  • Contraception & STD

    Yesterday I have sex and the preservative is broken. What can I do ?

    • This depends on the day of your cycle. If you fulfill the criteria, you can take the emergency pill (morning pill) which is effective up to 70%

      Dominique Badr

      Dominique Badr

  • General topics

    Hello, I was on the birth control shot for 4 years before coming here to Belgium. I stopped my depo provera shot in December 2022 but I still haven’t gotten my menstruation. Is there something I can do to induce it? I think it’s messing up my cortisol levels also…

    • It is better to seek an advice from a gynecologist to do a clinical and biologic evaluation

      Dominique Badr

      Dominique Badr

  • General topics

    I got ectopic pregnancy in November and lam pregnant is it safe to keep ?

    • If your new pregnancy is inside the uterus and the location is good, you can keep it. You should see your gynecologist.

      Dominique Badr

      Dominique Badr

The content of the answers is strictly informative and should not be considered a substitute for medical advice

Academic research and publications

  • Recherche sur l'intelligence artificielle et son intégration en échographie obstétricale et gynécologique, CHU Brugmann (2022)
  • Voir les publications:


  • What is the address of practitioner Dominique Badr?

    Rue Pangaert 13 in Ganshoren is the address of practitioner Dominique Badr.

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