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Dr Myriam Struyven Gynecologist: Book an online appointment 2 Photos

Myriam Struyven


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* By recording this appointment you agree that an amount of 25EUR can be charged if you do not cancel your appointment online 24 hours in advance. You will also receive a confirmation by e-mail. You must keep this in case of any disputes. • Mouth mask (without valve) is mandatory in the waiting room, as well as in the doctor's cabinet. Wear it correctly, cover mouth and nose. This is mandatory to enter the consultation room!

• Don't arrive too early for your appointment, no more than ten minutes in advance. We want to avoid too many people in the waiting room at the same time.

If you are too early, please wait in your car.

• Keep sufficient distance in the waiting room. Maximum 2 patients in the Waiting Room. Accompagners, please wait in the car or outside when a 2nd patient comes in. If there are still 2 people, please wait outside or in the car.

• There are two to three consultations per hour, depending on the booking choice in the agenda

• Please note: do not bring a accompagners with you, unless there is absolutely no other option (for children (-15 years) and for the needy or an interpreter is absolutely necessary). Exception for partners in pregnancy ultrasound and in fertility exploration

• Every patient gets her time, so some waiting time can exist for the next.! After her recognition as an accredited specialist in gynaecology-obstetrics (August 1987), Dr. Myriam Struyven is committed to gaining experience both at home and abroad. The doctor is surgically adept in classical and endoscopic surgery and has extensive experience in medical, instrumental and operative obstetrics. Further proficiency in endocrinological gynaecology, fertility exploration and treatments and menopause, Gynecological infections. Holistic approach.

  • License number: 14509022340
The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.


Relative Experience

  • Medical
  • Obstetrician


Costs are indicative and will be determined on a case by case basis

Also handles cases of children up to 12 years old

Contact and location

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Payment Methods

  • Payment Methods

    • Bank Card
    • Cash
    • Payconiq

    Appointment Policy

    • Payment at the practice

      During your visit, you can select the payment method of your choice from the options mentioned above.

    • Cancellation

      You can always cancel up to 30 hours before the appointment. For more information please read our cancellation policy.



  • Flemish Association for Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • VBO
  • ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology)
  • EMAS (European Menopause and Andropause Society)
  • Hands-on cursus Laserchirurgie, Institute for Reproductive Medicine, St. Annadale, Virginia, VS (1991)
  • Specialisatie Gynaecologie-Verloskunde; U.Z. Gasthuisberg, Leuven (1985-1986)
  • Specialisatie Gynaecologie-Verloskunde; A.Z. St. Jan, Brugge (1984-1985)
  • Specialisatie Gynaecologie-Verloskunde; Grote Schuur Hospitaal, Kaapstad, Zuid Afrika (1983)
  • Specialisatie Gynaecologie-Verloskunde; A.Z. St. Jozef, Oostende (1982)
  • Specialisatie Gynaecologie-Verloskunde; A.Z. St. Jan, Brussel (1981-1982)
  • Master in de Genees-, Heel- en Verloskunde K.U.Leuven (1981)

Professional experience

  • Working as a medical specialist, AZ Alma Eeklo and private practice (since 02/1987) Total laparoscopic hysterectomy and laparoscopic gynecological procedures. Gynecological endocrinology, fertility and menopause.
  • Totale Laparoscopische hysterectomie en laparoscopische gynaecologische ingrepen.
  • Gynaecologische endocrinologie, fertiliteit en menopauze.

Organisations member

  • Vlaamse Vereniging voor Obstetrie+en Gynaecologie+Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging van Gynaecologen en Verloskundigen+Belgian Menopause Society+European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology+Geneesherenbond van+het Noorden+VZW Geneesheren AZ Alma
  • VBO
  • ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology)
  • European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology
  • Geneesherenbond van het Noorden

Participation in conferences

  • 10-2022 - Symposium HYPEREMESIS GRAVIDARUM in Londen
  • 10-2022 - Nationaal Congres VVOG
  • 8+9-11-2022 - Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology: Post-Reproductive Health

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French
  • Dutch
  • German

Answers to patient questions

  • General topics

    Is there a very high risk of blood clots when using contraceptive patches?

    • No, in any case of AC the risk is still less then 7/10000 people.
      Good evening. Sincerely, Dr.Myriam Struyven.

      Myriam Struyven

      Myriam Struyven

  • General topics

    Dear doctor, I just found out I am pregnant (week 5) and would like to see which supplement of folic acid / folate / methylfolate is best? Can I take both acid folic and methylfolate? Can one take too much of acid folic or methylfolate? I started taking Omnibionta pronatal 1 and also a vit B complex from Pure encapsulations, Zinc 15, Selenium 55. I regularly take Q10, Vit D3 and Omega 3. I am mostly worried about folic acid / methylfolate / folate as I know it is crucial now and also there is a debate which one is best. Many thanks

    • Dear,
      In contrast to what people think, you can take too many supplements. And that's exactly what you're doing right now. OmniBionta on it's own, contains largely enough of all necessary vitamins for the start of pregnancy. In some people this product contains sometimes even too much in iron, which is no problem for a short period, but shouldn't be continued for long if there's no carence in Iron. .
      OmniBionta is an old kind of supplement, but OK to start with till you had your first prénatal visit, which you should book very urgently while there are waitinglists everywhere.
      Dr.Myriam Str
      ... Read more

      Myriam Struyven

      Myriam Struyven

  • General topics

    which doctors deals with intense vaginal itching and discharge

    • Gynéco's

      Myriam Struyven

      Myriam Struyven

The content of the answers is strictly informative and should not be considered a substitute for medical advice

Academic research and publications

  • Scientific collaborator UZ Gent, fertility department


  • What is the address of practitioner Myriam Struyven?

    Dr. Myriam Struyven is located at Sint-Jansdreef 1 in Eeklo.

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