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Elodie Leroux DO


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Osteopath D.O., graduated from ULB in 6 years, I receive you for adult, pregnant women and children/infants consultations in Auderghem and Uccle. I am also specialized in perinatal/gynecological care and acute back pain.

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.


  • Adult osteopathy
  • Pediatric osteopathy
  • Visceral osteopathy
  • Biomechanics
  • Pregnancy follow-up
  • Osteopathic emergencies
603 patients' recommendations

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    Appointment Policy

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      During your visit, you can select the payment method of your choice from the options mentioned above.
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      You can always cancel up to 18 hours before the appointment. For more information please read our cancellation policy.



  • Bachelier en Science de la Motricité 2015 (FSM-ULB),
  • Master en Science de la Motricité 2017 (FSM-ULB),
  • Master de Spécialisation en Ostéopathie 2018 (FSM-ULB).
  • Diplôme d'Ostéopathie Biomécanique 2019 (OSTEOBIO - Paris)
  • Certificat d'Ostéopathie Pédiatrique 2019 (SCOM - Gembloux)
  • Certificat en Ostéopathie Périnatale : Suivi de grossesse et préparation ostéopathie à l'accouchement 2020 (CFPCO - Paris)
  • Formation "Les freins restrictifs buccaux au-delà de l'allaitement maternel" 2020-2021 (Au sein en douceur)
  • Formation "Prise en charge réelle des nourrissons en ostéopathie" 2021 (OSTEOBIO - Paris)
  • Formation "Ostéopathie Gynécologique Pratique" 2021 (Ostéo-Evolution - Paris)
  • Formation "Approche ostéopathique des plagiocéphalies" 2022 (CFPCO - Paris)
  • Formation "Le complexe ATM" 2022 (Osteo-Structure - Lille)
  • Formation "Crânien Conjonctif Structurel" 2022 (Osteo-Structure - Lille)
  • Formation "Nerve Entrapment : Clinical Assessment and osteopathic techniques" 2022 (Osteo-Structure - Lille)
  • Certificat, Ostéo-Structure (Lille), Formation Viscéral Conjonctif Structurel (2023)
  • Certificat, Ostéo-Structure, Formation Articulaire Structurel 14 jours (2023 - 2024)
  • Certificat, CFPCO, E-Learning : La Mécanique de la Douleur - Laurent Fabre (2024)
  • Certificat, Physio-Learning, E-Learning : Troubles vasculaires dans le champs musculo-squelettique : trier pour savoir quand traiter - Olivia Ferrand et Bryan Littré (2024)

Professional experience

  • Stage d'observation en cabinet d'ostéopathie à l'hôpital (Erasme, Ixelles, Molière, Baron-Lambert) - 2014 à 2017
  • Stage d'observation dans différents services de l'hôpital Erasme - 2017-2018
  • Stage d'observation en pédiatrie à l'hôpital d'Ixelles - 2016-2017
  • Stage d'observation au bloc opération orthopédique à l'hôpital d'Ixelles - 2016-2017
  • Stage pratique en cabinet à l'hôpital (Erasme, Ixelles, Molière, Baron-Lambert) - 2017-2018
  • Ostéopathe D.O , Brussels Spine Center, Belgique (2018 - Présent)
  • Ostéopathe D.O, KIO Medical Center, Belgique (2019 - Présent)
  • Ostéopathe D.O, Cabinet privée DELEENER, Belgique (2019 - Présent)
  • Ostéopathe D.O, Cabinet privé Mathilde Hofmans, Belgique (2020 - Présent)

Organisations member

  • Coming soon

Participation in conferences

  • 15.11.2014 – 1er congrès universitaire européen d’ostéopathie (UPMO) : Le rachis cervical, de la recherche fondamentale à la pratique quotidienne
  • 30.03.2019 - 3ème congrès international universitaire d'ostéopathie (UBO) : Ostéopathy state of the Art
  • Symposium d'Obstétrique : L'art des postures en anté-per et post-partum, CHU Tivoli (2023)

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French

Answers to patient questions

  • General topics

    hello , i have a nerve sciatic pain , which specialist should i contact please ?

    • Hello,
      That depends of you, your pain and your symptoms. If you don't have a lost of strength and lost of sensibility for exemple, we may help you in osteopathy.
      But if we can not help you, then you can take an appointment with your generalist practitioner or an orthopedic or a neurosurgeon.

      Elodie Leroux

      Elodie Leroux

  • General topics

    Hi, I have a small Hernia (L5-S1) which pushes on the sciatic nerve. The pain is now extended to the knee/calf/foot. Which is the specialist I should get in contact with?

    • Hello,
      If you don't have a lost of strength and lost of sensibility for exemple, we may help you in osteopathy.
      But if we can not help you, then you can take an appointment with your generalist practitioner or an orthopedic or a neurosurgeon.

      Elodie Leroux

      Elodie Leroux

  • Knee pain

    Hi, I think I sprained my left knee. So, I got a knee support from the pharmacy to support recovery. As a self-diagnosis, I have no problems walking, the inner side ligaments seem to be healing better, but even after 8 weeks, the knee still feel sore. I can swim, but not really run and certainly not do any contact sports. It's probably best to finally see a general doctor. After seeing a general doctor, in case it is necessary, what could be the possible next steps to investigate what is wrong with the knee?

    • Hello,
      For a better diagnosis (instead of general doctor), you should go directly to see a specialist such as an orthopedist specialized in knee pain.
      This specialist may give you some additional test to do, depending of his diagnostic hypothesis. And I hope he also gives you some physiotherapy to strengthen your leg muscles and reduce your pain.

      Kind regards

      Elodie Leroux

      Elodie Leroux

The content of the answers is strictly informative and should not be considered a substitute for medical advice

Academic research and publications

  • Mémoire : Etude des rythmes cérébraux chez l'enfant ADHD à l'état de repos les yeux ouverts et les yeux fermés - 2017
  • Mémoire : Etude préliminaire des activités neurodynamiques spontanées lors de la pratique de la pleine conscience (MBSR) - 2018


What is the address of the health professional Elodie Leroux?

The address of the health professional Elodie Leroux is situated at Boulevard du Souverain 205 in Auderghem.

Is the Elodie Leroux health professional accepting new patients?
What payment methods does Elodie Leroux accept?
What languages does the Elodie Leroux health professional speak?
Is the Elodie Leroux practitioner a member of any associations?
Doctoranytime is an end-to-end solution that assists the user from the moment they experience a health symptom until the moment it is resolved, by enabling them to find the specialist they need, request guidance via chat and talk to them via video call. The information provided has been filled in by Elodie Leroux and edited by the doctoranytime team.
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