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Alain Djoko Physiotherapist | doctoranytime Alain Djoko Physiotherapist | doctoranytime
    • Rue du Pâturage 13, Neder-Over-Heembeek, Region Brussels
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The physiotherapist Alain Djoko graduated from "Institut Supérieur de Techniques Médicales" in Kinshasa in 2013. He is a certified member for First Aid from 'La Croix Rouge' and recently he has completed his training in manual therapy ETMA. He has been volunteering for many years in Cameroon and he has been working in Brussels under different areas of physiotherapy. Through his working experience in hospital and medical centers he has covered the fields of respiratory physiotherapy for children and adults, physiotherapy pre and post-operations, geriatrics as well as he overlooks patients with rheumatologic disorders. He owns a new friendly practice with advanced technologically equipment where the patients have the opportunity to be treated depending on the problem that they face. In cases that the patient is not capable of visiting the practice, home visits are offered in the areas of Laeken, Jette et Ganshoren.

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.

Access Information

    • Rue du Pâturage 13, Neder-Over-Heembeek, Region Brussels
  • Parking

    • No parking available

Payment Methods

    • Cash


  • Back Problem
  • General consultation
  • Lumbago
  • Rehabilitation
  • Sports injury



  • Degree in physiotherapy and rehabilitation, Institut Supérieur de Techniques Médicales, Kinshasa, 2010- 2013
  • Certificat of first aid at "La Croix Rouge", Woluwe Saint-Pierre, 2015
  • Training in manual therapy ETMA, October, 2014.

Professional experience

  • Volunteer physiotherapist, Regional hospital, Bafoussam (Cameroon) April 2009 - July 2009 Volunteer physiotherapist, Health Center - Fondation OASIS, Bafoussam (Cameroon) August 2009 - December 2009 Volunteer physiotherapist, Global Rehabilitation Serv
  • Vrijwilliger fysiotherapeut, gezondheidscentrum - Fondation OASIS, Bafoussam (Kameroen) augustus 2009 - December 2009.
  • Vrijwilliger fysiotherapeut, Global revalidatie diensten (GLORES), Bafoussam (Kameroen), Jnuary 2010 - juli 2010.
  • Studentenjob, verzorgingstehuis VAN HELLEMONT, Brussel (België) juni 2012.
  • Stage fysiotherapeut, Erasme Ziekenhuis, Brussel (België) oktober 2012 - juli 2013.
  • Stage fysiotherapeut, verzorgingstehuis Beauport, Brussel (België), januari 2013.
  • Stage fysiotherapeut, ziekenhuis Saint-Pierre, Brussel (België), April 2013.
  • Fysiotherapeut, medisch centrum horizon, Brussel (België), juli 2014-augustus 2014. Fysiotherapeut, Open internationale Féminin van Wallonië, Fleurus (België), augustus 2014.
  • Fysiotherapeut, medisch centrum Norman Bethune, Brussel (België), Mach 2014 - oktober 2014.
  • Fysiotherapeut, medisch centrum horizon, Brussel (België), December 2014. Fysiotherapeut, medisch centrum Norman Bethune, Brussel (België), januari 2015 - April 2015.
  • Fysiotherapeut bij OCMW Jette, Brussel (België), sinds juni 2015.
  • Zelfstandige fysiotherapeut in Brussel (België), sinds November 2015.

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French

Answers to patient questions

  • General topics

    Good evening. 3 weeks ago I had epidural steroid injections to my spine ( neck herniaC5-c6 ). I started my Physiotherapy week ago. Few days ago I received documents from hospital that I had two injection to my spine one on the 21st March (C5-C6) second one on 29 th March (C6-C7)I knew straight away that something was wrong . I couldn’t walk I felt so much pain . Second injection has been done incorrectly ( wrong place ). I can’t get in touch with my orthopedist (holidays) I completely don’t know what to do with it. It hurts all the time. Should I continue with my physiotherapy or stop it till I will have my appointment with my Physiotherapist(2 nd May 2024) ? Please help

    • Hi,
      If the physiotherapy doesn't increase (or lower) the pain you can stick on it. But if you feel more pain during or after the treatment then I think you should stop and get in touch with your orthopedist as soon as possible.

      Alain Djoko

      Alain Djoko

  • General topics

    I injured a muscle or ligament in my hand while climbing. What kind of specialist should I see?

    • Hi,
      you should see an orthopedic surgeon

      Alain Djoko

      Alain Djoko

  • Knee pain

    Hi, I think I sprained my left knee. So, I got a knee support from the pharmacy to support recovery. As a self-diagnosis, I have no problems walking, the inner side ligaments seem to be healing better, but even after 8 weeks, the knee still feel sore. I can swim, but not really run and certainly not do any contact sports. It's probably best to finally see a general doctor. After seeing a general doctor, in case it is necessary, what could be the possible next steps to investigate what is wrong with the knee?

    • Hi. I suggest you to put a cold pack on your knee twice a day 15-20min each time. You must see your GP as soon as possible. It would be helpful to go through a scanner or MRI to check all the different structures of you knee but it's up to your GP to decide.

      Alain Djoko

      Alain Djoko

The content of the answers is strictly informative and should not be considered a substitute for medical advice


What is the address of the health professional Alain Djoko?

The address of the health professional Alain Djoko is Rue du Pâturage 13 in Neder-Over-Heembeek.

Is the Alain Djoko health professional accepting new patients?
What payment methods does Alain Djoko accept?
What languages does the Alain Djoko health professional speak?
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