Nayis David is a registered physiotherapist practicing at Basic-fit at Place Jourdan. Passionate about his profession and attentive to his patients, his areas of activity are mainly general physiotherapy (Musculoskeletal disorders such as sprains, tendinopathy, neck pain, lower back pain, etc.; Respiratory disorders; Cardiac rehabilitation; Post -operatives; Fractures,...), sports physiotherapy (Sports injury, hooking, sports manual therapy, rehabilitation, athlete monitoring,...) and plans to soon train in maxillofacial physiotherapy (TMJ disorders) and physiotherapy vestibular. His approach consists of having better pain management by putting the patient at the center of his rehabilitation via several manual techniques and different exercises specific to the patient while basing on his experience in outpatient services (Cardiac revalidation at the Clinique de Europe and in Orthopedic Revalidation at the Bois de la Pierre Clinic). He speaks French, English and Aramaic. Do not hesitate to make an appointment if you would like to have support in a good atmosphere!