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Thibault Cramesnil is a physiotherapist qualified in the management of musculoskeletal pathologies, chronic pain and sports physiotherapist. His practice is based on effective and proven techniques and on the best scientific evidences. His ten years of experience with the human body in action will guide you in improving your rehabilitation.

  • License number: 54713245517
The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.


Relative Experience

  • Sports physiotherapy
  • Muscle chain
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Dry Needling
  • Pathologies of the shoulder
41 patients' recommendations


Costs are indicative and will be determined on a case by case basis

Also handles cases of children up to 12 years old

Patient Reviews

From 41 reviews
Cleanliness of the practice
Clear information on the pathology
Clear information on the side effects

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    • Address
      Avenue des paquerettes 55, bâtiment 40, Waterloo
    • Parking
      • Easy parking
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    • Payconiq

    Appointment Policy

    • Payment at the practice

      During your visit, you can select the payment method of your choice from the options mentioned above.

    • Cancellation

      You can always cancel up to 24 hours before the appointment. For more information please read our cancellation policy.



  • Anatomy Trains Structural Essentials, Incitus, Spine tensegrity (2024)
  • Anatomy Trains Structural Essentials, Incitus, Head, neck and jaw (2024)
  • Anatomy Trains Structural Essentials, Incitus, Shoulders and arms (2024)
  • Barça Innovation Hub, VALD, Physical tests with force platform (2024)
  • Runeasi expert certification , Runeasi, Expertise en analyse de la course par Runeasi (Uperform Waterloo) (2023)
  • Anatomy Trains , Introduction on fascia therapy techniques, on the structures and functions of the Myers muscle chains (2023)
  • Jean-Benoit Morin, Sprint biomechanics and management of hamstring injuries (2023)
  • 2022: Adam Meakins " The Painful Shoulder "
  • 2022: in the Uperform shoulder expertise team
  • 2022: Ann Cools : "Shoulder Rehabilitation: A Practical Guide for the Clinician"
  • 2022: Workshop Olympic Lifting, Kettlebell and Suspension Training with the Physical Coaching Academy
  • 2021 : Online formation EXOS and Phil Sizer : sensorimotor control
  • 2020 : Nutritional strategies and recovery for performance improvment by Yann Le Meur @ylmsportscience
  • 2021 : Blood Flow Restriction (Kaatsu)
  • 2020 : Vestibular issues : Vertige Instabilité Rééducation Enseignement (V.I.R.E)
  • 2020 : Muligan skills : inferior and superior limbs
  • 2020 : Dry Needling Top 30
  • Since 2019 : Manual Therapy at HELB Ilya Prigogine [IFOMPT]
  • 2019 : Master in physiotherapy and reeducation at Université de Louvain
  • 2014 : Licence in Sciences and Technics of Sports and Physical Activities (STSPA), option education and motricity, speciality tennis at Université Claude Bernard de Lyon
  • 2022: Cruciate Ligament Rehab with Dr. Alli Gokeler : motor control and neuroplasticity after an ACL injury

Professional experience

  • Préparateur physique et kiné spécialisé en tennis, Horizon Academy , Belgique (2023)
  • Formateur en prévention des pathologies musculo-squelettiques chez les aides de ménage, Maison Brillante , Belgique (2023)
  • Depuis 2019: "École du dos", Professeur de Tennis et Personnal Trainer au Castle Club de Wezembeek Opem
  • 2019 : Hopital Saint-Luc en kinésithérapie maxilo-facial et neuropédiatrie
  • 2019 : Clinique Saint Jean méridien en neurologie et orthopédie
  • 2020 : Rest home Atrium in Crainhem+ Since 2019 : "Back school", Tennis teacher and Personnal Trainer at the Castle Club of Wezembeek Opem+2019 : Clinique Saint Jean méridien in neurology and orthopedics+2019 : Hopital Saint-Luc in maxilo-facial physiotherapy and neuropediatrics

Participation in conferences

  • Knee rotational instability in 2024 (ACL and menisci pathologies), Chirec Delta locomotor hub, BOSI, Uperform (2024)
  • Congrès national de l'épaule et le coude chez le tennisman , Medscore et la Fédération Française de Tennis (2023)
  • Inter-university congress on scientific advances in sports pathologies (2019)+Management of cervicogenic headaches (2019)+Therapeutic communication (2019)+Criteria for return to sport (2019)+Management of femoropatellar syndrome (2018)
  • Prise en charge des céphalées cervicogéniques (2019)
  • La communication thérapeutique (2019)
  • Les critères de retour au sport (2019)
  • La prise en charge du syndrôme femoro-patélaire (2018)

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French
  • Spanish

Answers to patient questions

  • General topics

    Hello, my shoulder is about a few centimeters out of place since i landed on it strangely. My question is how serious this can be since I still have full range of motion although it does feel unstable in certain positions when I do sports and which doctor I need to see to put it back into place.

    • Hello,
      It looks like a subluxation or an instable shoulder, you should see a orthopedic doctor and then come to see, i can give you advices and exercices to avoid shoulder problems.
      Best regards,
      Thibault Cramesnil physiotherapist

      Thibault Cramesnil

      Thibault Cramesnil

  • General topics

    Hello, some years ago i bumped inwards part of Knees together and it was ok after some weeks but now whenever i pull up my lower back i feel a sensation no pain necessarily but i don't understand what it is? Should i see physiotherapist?

    • Hello,
      There is differents reasons that could explain your pain, so you should see an expert in knee pathologies that can provide you an examination of your knee,
      Best regards,
      Thibault Cramesnil Physiotherapist

      Thibault Cramesnil

      Thibault Cramesnil

  • General topics

    I injured a muscle or ligament in my hand while climbing. What kind of specialist should I see?

    • Hello,
      Search "Clinique de la main" on google, or go to see any orthopedist or sport doctors or general practitionner, then go to see a physio specialised in musculo-skeletical troubles (or even specialised in the hand troubles)
      Best regards,
      Thibault Cramesnil Physiotherapist

      Thibault Cramesnil

      Thibault Cramesnil

The content of the answers is strictly informative and should not be considered a substitute for medical advice

Academic research and publications

  • Chronic pain with central sensitization care (fibromyalgia, chronic low back pain, chronic neck pain and type 1 CRPS) with play-based virtual reality exercises


  • What is the address of the health professional Thibault Cramesnil?

    Avenue des paquerettes 55, bâtiment 40 in Waterloo is the address of the practitioner Thibault Cramesnil.

Doctoranytime is an end-to-end solution that assists the user from the moment they experience a health symptom until the moment it is resolved, by enabling them to find the specialist they need, request guidance via chat and talk to them via video call. The information provided has been filled in by Thibault Cramesnil and edited by the doctoranytime team.
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