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Colienne De Caritat



Psychologue Clinicienne de formation (UCL), je suis passionnée par la compréhension de l’être humain sous ses différents plans : le plan émotionnel, mental, physique et énergétique. J’accompagne enfants, adolescents et adultes à identifier et mettre du sens sur leurs souffrances, à élargir les possibilités de changements, à (re)trouver les sensations de bien-être en travaillant sur les émotions, le comportement et la pensée. Ma formation est plurielle et continue me basant sur l'approche humaniste en intégrant des principes et outils issus de la psychologie positive, de la psychoéducation, de techniques créatives, psychocorporelles et énergétiques.  Au delà de l’écoute active et du soutien psychologique, je propose et intègre de façon cohérente médias et outils spécifiques à ce qui est amené en séance. Dans un cadre sécurisant et bienveillant, j'évalue, accompagne et co-crée dans l’objectif d’identifier les blocages et d’ouvrir aux besoins, ressources et forces.

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.


  • Clinical psychologist

Access and Appointments

  • emile max 47, Limal
    Access for people with disabilities
    • This location provides access to people with disabilities.
    • No parking available
  • Payment Methods


    Appointment Policy

    • Payment at the practice
      During your visit, you can select the payment method of your choice from the options mentioned above.
    • Cancellation
      You can always cancel up to 24 hours before the appointment. For more information please read our cancellation policy.



  • – Master en psychologie clinique, cognitive et comportemental – UCL
  • – Certificat interuniversitaire en Médiation Familiale- UCL/Université Saint-Louis
  • – Certificat en Coaching Scolaire – ANC Coach par Lina Meunier
  • Formations complémentaires : bilan intellectuel et bilan d’orientation, diverses formations en psychoéducation, techniques issues de la kinésiologie, gestion du stress, introduction à la sophrologie, octofun, mindfullness, ...
  • Certification , Institut SOMNA, Certification Sommeil petite enfance (0-5 ans) - en cours

Organisations member

  • Commission des psychologues

Participation in conferences

  • J'organise diverses conférences où sont inviter différents professionnels autour du développement personnel. Ces conférences me permettent d'affiner mon travail d'accompagnement ainsi que d'élargir mon réseau de professionnel de la santé, afin de garantir un accompagnement complet aux personnes venant me consulter. Pour plus d'infos:

Spoken languages

  • French


What is the address of the health professional Colienne De Caritat?

The address of the health professional Colienne De Caritat is situated at emile max 47 in Limal.

What payment methods does Colienne De Caritat accept?
What languages does the Colienne De Caritat health professional speak?
Is the Colienne De Caritat practitioner a member of any associations?
Doctoranytime is an end-to-end solution that assists the user from the moment they experience a health symptom until the moment it is resolved, by enabling them to find the specialist they need, request guidance via chat and talk to them via video call. The information provided has been filled in by Colienne De Caritat and edited by the doctoranytime team.
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Our objective is : to allow you to understand what the data you are giving us is used for ,how we protect them and to inform you about your rights and how them to exercise.

Our Terms and Conditions change but our commitments remain the same for your personal data :

  • doctoranytime does not sell nor reveals in any way the personal data which it collects about the user in third parties
  • doctoranytime does not sell nor reveals in any way the personal data which it collects about the user in third parties
  • doctoranytime shares personal data only to allow the execution of any department which the user to grant
  • doctoranytime does not transfer any of the user’s personal data outside the European Economic Area or in any other way than is not specified above

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