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Manon Trentesaux Psychologist: Book an online appointment Manon Trentesaux Psychologist: Book an online appointment

Manon Trentesaux Master, PostFo


License number: 70134265000

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As a licensed clinical psychologist (ULB), I practice psychotherapy in a global approach. I am trained in systemic psychotherapy and psychotrauma clinics (UCL). As an active member of groups, I am involved in setting up and managing psychotherapeutic care consultations. I have always been passionate and fascinated by what unfolds in each of us, our emotions, our strengths, our interactions, ... My practice in psychiatric services and my experience at the suicide prevention center have anchored the value of listening and presence. I invite you into a serene and non-judgmental space of expression to explore with you what you are experiencing. My professional and personal itinerary allows me, if needed, to also offer you tools pertaining to "mindfulness" (relaxation, self-connection, mental visualizations), "emotional work" (welcome, recognition, expression) and "stress management" (breathing, burnout training). You are going through life difficulties or moments of questioning. It is possible that you just need to take a step back to understand or to be supported more deeply in your desire to change. You need to be accompanied to remobilize your resources? I offer individual consultations to help you reinvent with you the way you are going to : - Take a time out and step back to take stock of what you are experiencing. - Project significant changes in your life. - Regulate your stress, fears, anxiety.

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.


  • Clinical psychologist
  • Psychological support
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Communication problems
  • Adult individual psychotherapy
  • Relationship therapy
17 patients' recommendations


Costs are indicative and will be determined on a case by case basis

Patient Reviews

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From 17 reviews

Reviews by 17 patients
Cleanliness of the practice
Clear information on the pathology
Clear information on the side effects

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    • Online Payment
      Payment is made once you book the appointment online.
    • Cancellation
      You can always cancel up to 48 hours before the appointment and receive a refund. For more information please read our cancellation and refund policy.



  • Master in clinical psychology and psychopathology (ULB)+Certificate in systemic and family psychotherapy (UCL)+Sensitivity observatory: Accompanying highly sensitive people+Tools for professional (re)orientation - Dr. Weytens Dr. in psychology, Coach & Trainer Dr. Weytens Dr. in psychology, Coach & Trainer+Toolbox to accompany the BURNOUT - Dr. Weytens Dr. in psychology Coach & Trainer+Training in Psychotrauma clinics (UCL)+Palliative Care Certificate - Aremis Asbl
  • Certificat de psychothérapie systémique et familiale (UCL)
  • L'observatoire de la sensibilité: L'accompagnement des personnes hautement sensibles.
  • Boîte à outils pour accompagner le BURNOUT - Dr Weytens Docteur en psychologie Coach & Formatrice
  • Formations aux cliniques du Psychotraumatisme (UCL)
  • Certificat Soins palliatifs - Aremis Asbl
  • Singularités Plurielles, Formation à la psychologie du Haut Potentiel (2023)
  • Niveau 1, Double hélice , LI-ICV (2024)
  • Double Helice, LI-ICV niveau 2 (2024)

Professional experience

  • Erasmus Hospital+La Ramée+Polyclinic of Lothier+Psychiatric College Chatelain+Merode+Messidor

Organisations member


Participation in conferences

  • Endless

Spoken languages

  • French


What is the address of the practitioner Manon Trentesaux?

Place Saint-Pierre 38 in Etterbeek is the address of the health professional Manon Trentesaux.

Is the Manon Trentesaux practitioner accepting new patients?
What languages does the Manon Trentesaux health professional speak?
Is the Manon Trentesaux practitioner a member of any associations?
Doctoranytime is an end-to-end solution that assists the user from the moment they experience a health symptom until the moment it is resolved, by enabling them to find the specialist they need, request guidance via chat and talk to them via video call. The information provided has been filled in by Manon Trentesaux and edited by the doctoranytime team.
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