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Niccolò Fiorentino Polipo Psychologist: Book an online appointment

Niccolò Fiorentino Polipo PhD


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Swiss psychiatrist C. G. Jung believed that mental suffering often signals a deeper, unexpressed desire for growth. The psyche has a natural need to evolve and expand, but it can become stifled by external and internal constraints. These limitations can push us in negative directions, much like a plant that bends awkwardly when it encounters a barrier, struggling to find its way around.

This simple but powerful insight—that our suffering is a wake-up call for unrealized growth—can transform the way we relate to ourselves in times of distress. Rather than judging ourselves for feeling anxious or depressed, we can approach these feelings with curiosity. What are they urging us to bring forth in ourselves? Jung, for instance, likened depression to “a woman in black.” If she turns up, he advised, “don’t shoo her away. Invite her in, offer her a seat, and listen to what she has to say.”

As a clinical psychologist specializing in Jungian psychoanalysis, I offer individual consultations for adults in English or Italian. I provide both short-term psychological support and long-term analysis, depending on the patient’s needs and possibilities. I work with patients facing a variety of difficulties, including depression, anxiety, burnout, relational conflicts, identity issues, loneliness, anger, addiction, lack of purpose, life crises, existential questions, or spiritual struggles. I am especially committed to supporting patients in the expat community who are facing the challenges of adjusting to life in a new country or the emotional impact of being away from home.

For inquiries, feel free to reach out to me at: niccolo.fiorentino.polipo[at]


Lo psichiatra svizzero C. G. Jung riteneva che la sofferenza mentale spesso segnali un desiderio di crescita inespresso. La psiche ha un bisogno naturale di evolversi e di espandersi, ma può rimanere soffocata da fattori esterni ed interni. Queste limitazioni possono spingerci in direzioni negative, come una pianta che si torce quando incontra un ostacolo, cercando di crescergli attorno.

Questa idea semplice ma potente — che la sofferenza è un campanello d’allarme per una crescita non realizzata — può cambiare il modo in cui ci rapportiamo a noi stessi nei momenti di difficoltà. Invece di giudicarci per il fatto di sentirci ansiosi o depressi, possiamo approcciare questi sentimenti con curiosità. Cosa ci stanno spingendo a realizzare in noi stessi? Jung, ad esempio, paragonava la depressione a “una donna vestita di nero.” Se si presenta alla nostra porta, non dobbiamo cacciarla via: “Invitala a entrare, offrile un posto a sedere, e ascolta cosa ha da dire.”

Come psicologo clinico specializzando in psicoanalisi junghiana, offro consulenze individuali per adulti in inglese o in italiano. Offro supporto psicologico a breve termine oppure un’analisi approfondita a lungo termine, a seconda dei bisogni e delle possibilità del paziente. Lavoro con pazienti con una varietà di difficoltà, tra cui depressione, ansia, burnout, conflitti relazionali, problemi di identità, solitudine, rabbia, dipendenza, mancanza di scopo, e crisi esistenziali o spirituali. Sono particolarmente coinvolto nel supportare i pazienti della comunità “expat” che affrontano le sfide dell'adattamento in un altro paese o l'impatto emotivo di essere lontani da casa.

Per ogni richiesta di informazioni, sono raggiungibile all'indirizzo: niccolo.fiorentino.polipo[at]

  • License number: 921330932
The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.


Relative Experience

  • Psychological support
  • Individual consultation
  • Personal development
  • Psychoanalysis
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Individual therapy


Costs are indicative and will be determined on a case by case basis

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  • IAAP training (ongoing), Belgian School of Jungian Psychoanalysis, Jungian analysis
  • PhD, Université catholique de Louvain, Clinical psychology (2020 - 2024)
  • Master of science, University of Kent, Forensic psychology (2019 - 2020)
  • Master of science, University of Bologna, Clinical psychology (2015 - 2017)
  • Bachelor, University San Raffaele, Philosophy (2011 - 2015)

Professional experience

  • Clinical psychologist, Maison PsyCol, Belgium (2024 - Present)
  • Doctoral researcher, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium (2020 - 2024)
  • Honorary visiting fellow, University of Essex, United Kingdom (2023)
  • Clinical psychologist, Consultations Psychologiques Spécialisées (CPS) at UCLouvain, Belgium (2019 - Présent)
  • Trainee in clinical psychology, Cyprus Institute for Psychotherapy, Cyprus (2017 - 2018)
  • Trainee in clinical psychology, Jonas Center for Psychoanalytic Clinical Practice, Italy (2018 - 2019)

Organisations member

  • Louvain Psycotherapy Research Group (UCLouvain), Scientific collaborator (2020 - Présent)
  • Person-centered Research and Training Lab (UCLouvain), Scientific collaborator (2020 - Présent)
  • Belgian School of Jungian Psychoanalysis, Practicing member (2020 - Présent)

Spoken languages

  • English
  • Italian

Academic research and publications

  • Fluid and crystallized knowledge in psychoanalytic clinical reasoning: The relation between operators and theory, Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology (2025)
  • Adephos or the anxiolytic function of the Self (2025)
  • The love problem of a student – revisited: A psycho-ethical map for cases of anima projection, Journal of Analytical Psychology (2024)
  • The operators model of psychoanalytic clinical reasoning, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association. (2024)
  • Developing psychoanalytic case conceptualization skills through didactic teaching: A randomized controlled trial, Psychotherapy Research. (2024)
  • The cunning of clinical reason in psychoanalysis: How a case makes use of reflective agents to conceptualize itself, Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology. (2023)
  • A qualitative meta-analysis examining the impact of personal therapy on clinical work and personal and professional development, Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. (2023)
  • False start: A neo-Jungian critique of self-help, Individualization and liberty in a globalized world: Psychosocial perspectives on freedom after freedom, Routledge. (2022)
  • Epistemic envy in the keyboard warrior: A Bionian analysis., Psychoanalysis, Culture, & Society. (2022)
  • The emerging field of Jungian ethics, Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche. (2021)
  • Vulnerability and incorruptibility: An aretaic model of the transcendent function, Jungian perspectives on indeterminate states: Betwixt and between borders, Routledge. (2020)


  • What is the address of the health professional Niccolò Fiorentino Polipo?

    The practitioner Niccolò Fiorentino Polipo is located at Rue de Toulouse 49 in Brussels.

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