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Sabine Meijwaard Psychologist | doctoranytime Sabine Meijwaard Psychologist | doctoranytime

Sabine Meijwaard

Psychologist in Kortrijk

    • Praktijk de Sleutelbloem, Condédreef 12, Kortrijk, West Flanders
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I work as a psychologist in Groepspraktijk Primrose in Kortrijk. Using my expertise in cognitive behavioral therapy, I work well with children, adolescents, young adults and adults. Together with my fellow psychologists we combine our knowledge and skills to assist our clients and their environment from various angles. As a team we try to share our experiences and knowledge with each other. Therefore, we discuss on a regular basis. In practice, I am responsible for the supervision of children and young people who face socio-emotional problems such as grief, depression, anxiety, behavioral problems, aggression, social skills, low self-esteem, grief and relationship problems at home / at school. I can also offer guidance on (suspected) developmental disorders (ADHD, autism, ...). Additionally, you can as a parent for parental contact me. Within the group practice we also provide psychological assessment, such as decreases in an intelligence test (IQ test), performing perception or attention research. Several mutual insurance companies provide partial reimbursement for psychotherapy for children and adolescents. addition, you can contact me for adult social-emotional problems (anxiety, depression, loss, anxiety, self-esteem, relationship problems, eating problems). On our website you can find information about the team, the operation and for whom we can do something. If you have questions or would like information, please do not hesitate to contact us. The practice is located in the Condédreef 12, 8500 Kortrijk, and is therefore very easy to reach. Parking is free.
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Access Information

    • Praktijk de Sleutelbloem, Condédreef 12, Kortrijk, West Flanders
  • Parking

    • Easy parking

Payment Methods

    • Cash


  • General consultation 55€
  • Online therapy (video call) 55€
  • Oudergesprek From 65€



  • Master in de klinische psychologie, Cum Laude (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Nederland)
  • Permanente vorming cognitieve gedragstherapie (VGCT)
  • Bijscholingen in gezinsbehandeling, ouderbegeleiding, oplossingsgericht werken en diagnostiek
  • Studiedagen met betrekking tot autisme, angsten, en stemmingsstoornissen

Professional experience

  • Kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie Amsterdam (Bascule) Jeugdzorg en Kinderbescherming (Mobiel crisisteam Amsterdam) Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg Arkin (Amsterdam) Multi-systeemtherapeut bij GGZ De Viersprong (Amsterdam)
  • Jeugdzorg en Kinderbescherming (Mobiel crisisteam Amsterdam)
  • Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg Arkin (Amsterdam)
  • Multi-systeemtherapeut bij GGZ De Viersprong (Amsterdam)

Organisations member

  • Belgische Federatie van Psychologen (BFP)
  • Vlaamse Vereniging van Klinisch Psychologen (VVKP)
  • Vereniging voor Cognitieve Gedragstherapie (VGCT)
  • Psychologencommissie: Erkenningsnummer: 852119070

Spoken languages

  • English
  • Dutch

Academic Research and Publications

  • Auteur van wetenschappelijke artikelen over slachtofferschap (victimisatie) bij patiënten met een psychiatrische stoornis


What is the address of the health professional Sabine Meijwaard?

Condédreef 12 in Kortrijk is the address of the health professional Sabine Meijwaard.

What payment methods does Sabine Meijwaard accept?
What languages does the Sabine Meijwaard health professional speak?
Is the Sabine Meijwaard health professional a member of any associations?
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