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Alice Sini Psychologist | doctoranytime Alice Sini Psychologist | doctoranytime
    • Rue César Franck 22, Liège, Region Liege
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Alice Sini is a psychologist with many experiences. She specializes in individual therapy, EMDR, domestic and sex therapy therapy, parental guidance, coaching, coaching professional development, MBTI and the TKI. She graduated in sociology and psychology at the University of Liege and is formed with the use of many assessment tools and psychological support (IQ tests, personality tests, questionnaires, EMDR TKI®, MBTI) and coaching. She is a member of numerous associations and regularly participates in conferences in order to develop his knowledge of his specialty. psychologist gets you on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Do not hesitate to make an appointment!
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The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.

Access Information

    • Rue César Franck 22, Liège, Region Liege
  • Parking

    • No parking available

Payment Methods

    • Cash


  • Accompaniment to parenthood 60€
  • Coaching 50€
  • Coaching conjugal Up to 60€
  • Couple Therapy 60€
  • Depression 50€
  • EMDR 50€
  • Emotional disorders 50€
  • Emotional management 50€
  • Gestion de conflits 50€
  • Gestion du stress 50€
  • Individual Session Adult 50€
  • Leadership 50€
  • MBTI 50€
  • Professional difficulties 50€
  • Stress 50€
  • TKI 50€
  • View more View less



  • 2000: Diplôme de Sociologie à l'ULG 2004: Diplôme de Psychologie à l'ULg 2007: Formation EMDR, Bipe 2013: Formation Thérapie conjugale - Sexothérapie FPSA 2014: Certificat universitaire de pratiques philosophiques à l'ULg 2015: Certifiée MBTI® Niveau

Professional experience

  • Expérience en évaluation diagnostique et accompagnement au Centre de Réadaptation Fonctionnelle pour enfants et adolescents (CRF) Responsable de la gestion journalière, de consultations individuelles, de couple et de sexothérapie, animations à la Vie Aff

Organisations member

  • Commissions psychologues Société des sexologues universitaires belges (SSUB) OPP Révéler les potentiels LCA Leading and coaching academy

Participation in conferences

  • 2006: Participation au Colloque sur l'anorexie à Liège
  • 2016: Conférence sur la guidance parentale

Spoken languages

  • French

Academic Research and Publications

  • 2015: La (psycho)sexualité des anorexiques: le destin de la l'angoisse de castration perçue, Presse Académique Belge


What is the address of the practitioner Alice Sini?

Rue César Franck 22 in Liège is the address of the health professional Alice Sini.

What payment methods does Alice Sini accept?
What languages does the Alice Sini practitioner speak?
Is the Alice Sini health professional a member of any associations?
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