• General topics
  • Submitted on 26/02/2024

I have been diagnosed with Morton's Neuroma. Should I make an appointment at a Podiatrist? If so, what type of consultation do I require?

12 specialists answered

  • You can book an appointment '1st test biomeca posturo'

    Have a good day

    Sabrina Coutelle



  • Bonjour, the morton's neuroma could be treated by releasing the pressure from the shoes. Or sometimes the practice from sport... the treatment could be insoles or infiltration made by a surgeon.

    Olivier Keryhuel



  • Absolutely, we can treat this type of pathology. You can choose “Analyse de la marche” in these cases

    Emmanuel Martin



  • Hi,
    Yes you can, you néed to have an analyse of biomechanics.
    Havé Nice day

    Mélissa Bouclier



  • Yes, you have to book an appointment with a podologue for a biomechanical examination.
    With these informations, the podologue will
    make insoles.

    Céline Chauvet



  • Hello, we can help you, you must take a biomechanical exam as an appointment, have a nice day

    Eric Gillard



  • Yes the podiatrist can help you.
    Choose the service biomecanic, insoles, sport(it’s 1our consult)

    Steve Pas



  • Good evening, you can take a "normal" consultation (like "first consultation" for example) with a podiatrist indeed. The doctor that diagnosed your Morton's Neuroma might write a prescription for you to send you to the podiatrist.

    Olivier Micheli



  • Hello . I you can , it's our job.
    You need " Bilan de podologie ( + semelles)

    Julie Grolleau

    Pediatrics, sports podiatry


  • Yes, biomechanical assesment to see what the cause is of the Morton's neuroma. Then you can prevent it from getting worse and get it to heal properly without any injections or operation.

    Els Pauwels



  • Hello, a podiatrist will indeed be able to help you with a problem such as Morton's neuroma.
    It would be a good idea to have a full podiatric analysis to detect any posture problems linked to the neuroma.

    Alexandre Waechter



  • Yes , for analyse of walk .

    Laure Lanthiez



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