• General topics
  • Submitted on 07/10/2023

Where should I go for ADHD disorder with concentration and distraction issues?

Where should I go for ADHD disorder. I have problems about concentration and focusing on a single task and also cant help thinkin of thousands thoughts and getting distracted

13 specialists answered

  • You have to check with a psychiatrist and/or a clinical psychologist!

    Mihai Albu

    Psychotherapist, Clinical psychologist and Art therapist


  • Meditation can help you a lot to be more concentred and focus ! Thanks!

    Luz Granados Londoño



  • Hello
    Regarding ADHD, I would suggest visiting a neuropsychologist directly (you can find excellent practionners on this website). They are specialised in evaluating cognitive functions such as attention, memory and planification, to list a few examples.
    They will be more than able to help you in evaluating what's troubling you.
    Take care.

    Jason Wood



  • Hi! If you're looking for a diagnosis you should find a psychiatrist in your area that specializes in ADHD. If your looking to understand how your ADHD symptoms impact your cognitive/emotional/social capacities you should look for a neuropsychologist in your region that should help you better understand your way of functioning.
    hope you find what you're looking for!

    Maéla Warlet



  • Hello! Thanks for your question. If you want to be evaluated to receive a diagnosis, I recommend https://www.chsbelgium.org/ for English speakers. The evaluation is positive to receive information about your strenghts and weaknesses, but it won't be enough for you to learn how to cope with these issues, so I suggest you to start psychological therapy in order to acquire tools and skills to respond to your cognitive and emotional needs.

    Rosangelica Arraiz Mujica



  • Neurology service before

    Silviu Peter Neagoe

    General practitioner


  • Hello there.
    Thank you for your message and for the courage to address this. Please allow me to write a general answer here, hoping you have received a more detailed one. In my role as clinical psychologist, I could give you some directions and as useful, to support during the diagnosis process.
    For me, an even better question would be ‘Who is in my team?’ as this is a psycho-medical condition that it is managed with a team around you. The first step is a correct diagnosis. Hoping that you have a (correct) diagnosis, I would look at the whole system around you: family - doctors (neurologist/ psychiatrist) - psychotherapist - work en
    ... Read more

    Luminita Rusu



  • For an ADHD disorder, you can make an appointment with a neuropsychologist
    He/she will help you with your difficulties and will suggest you cognitive revalidation sessions several times a month if necessary.

    Marine Scalbert



  • Hello, if you need a diagnoses if ADHD I recommend Centre Européen d’expertise du TDAH chez l’adulte that is at Woluwé Saint Pierre

    Giulia Giacomelli



  • The reference team is located in Brussels at the "Clinique du TDAH" led by by Pierre Oswald, MD

    Christian Gilles



  • You can go to a neuropsychologist who will do a neuropsychological evaluation to better understand your symptoms. They can also give you tips and advice to handle the difficulties in every day life. However, if there is a need for medication, you will need to see either a psychiatrist or a neurologist to confirm the diagnosis and get a prescription.

    Valentina Vivallo Perez



  • Hi there, I would advise you to seek help and, if it has not yet been done, take an appointment with a neuropsychologist. They will help assess your disorder and potentially give you useful tools and techniques so that you can manage your disorder more easily. After that is fine, finding a therapist that works with ADHD patients could be useful as there are a lot of comorbidities with ADHD.
    Hope this helps.

    Lise Van De Beeck



  • First, you should see a neuropsychologist, to make sure this is the right diagnosis. After that, you can see a neuropsychologist every week or so for follow up sessions and concrete strategies to overcome the difficulties. Let me know if you have any other question :)

    Amélie Ribesse



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