Hello, I have inherited primary trombophilia. I should do regular check ups on yearly basis. I want to ask how is a process in Belgium. Do I need firstly visit a general doctor and ask general doctor to take a blood and to send to laboratory? I tried to find hematologist but I didnt found, I just found a blood testing centres. Thank you.
In Belgium, if you have inherited primary thrombophilia and require regular check-ups, you typically have a few options for how to proceed:
Visit a General Practitioner (GP): You can start by scheduling an appointment with a general doctor (GP or "médecin généraliste" in French, "huisarts" in Dutch). Your GP can assess your condition, review your medical history, and discuss any concerns you may have regarding your thrombophilia. They can also order blood tests and refer you to a specialist if necessary.
Specialist Referral: If your GP believes it is necessary or if you prefer, they can r...efer you to a hematologist or another specialist who is experienced in managing thrombophilia. Hematologists are doctors who specialize in disorders of the blood and bone marrow, including thrombophilia. Your GP can provide you with a referral letter and help you find a hematologist or specialist clinic.
Blood Testing Centers: In some cases, you may be able to go directly to a blood testing center for routine blood tests, especially if you have a specific test that needs to be done regularly. However, if you require ongoing monitoring and management of your thrombophilia, it's advisable to involve a healthcare provider such as a GP or specialist who can oversee your care and interpret the test results in the context of your overall health.
Regardless of which option you choose, it's essential to communicate openly with your healthcare provider about your thrombophilia, any symptoms you may experience, and any family history of blood disorders. This will help ensure that you receive appropriate care and monitoring tailored to your individual needs.
Voir plus
Pour tous tests sanguins vous devez d'abord vous adresser à un médecin (hématologue dans l'idéal). A notre échelle, nous pouvons venir faire les prises de sang chez vous et les envoyer nous même au laboratoire. Pour cela, nous avons besoin à chaque fois d'un papier du médecin, qui précise les items à analyser (il peut nous envoyer cette prescription par mail pour plusieurs fois ou vous la donner directement lors de votre premier rdv) que nous envoyons avec les prélèvements sanguins. Vous et/ou votre médecin recevrez les résultats par mail.
Je ...ne sais pas si cela vous à aidé...
Belle journée,
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Hello, you must see a doctor to give you a prescription for a blood test, if you have mutual insurance the blood test is for free, for the analyzes you will receive a third-party bill, if you do not have mutual insurance we will request an estimate from the laboratory according to the tests requested by your doctor
A medical consultation is required, and the doctor may prescribe regular blood tests. The results are interpreted and read by the doctor.
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