Blood test!
I understand that you may have concerns about your cortisol levels, and I'm here to provide information on the available testing options.
The morning cortisol blood test is a common method that measures cortisol levels in the blood at a specific time of day, usually when they are highest. This procedure is covered by insurance and can offer useful insights into your hormonal health, helping to screen for potential diseases related to insufficient cortisol production in the adrenal glands.
However, in the case of functional disorders, when any disease is ruled out, we often recommend a salivary cortisol pr...ofile for a more comprehensive understanding. This method involves collecting saliva samples at multiple times throughout the day, allowing us to track the natural variations in cortisol levels. This salivary profile is often more reliable for assessing the daily rhythm of cortisol secretion.
While the morning cortisol test is covered by insurance, the five-time salivary profile may provide more informative data on how your body reacts throughout the day. It's important to note that the cost for this method is approximately 70 euros, depending on the laboratory. Nevertheless, investing in this more detailed approach may be worthwhile for obtaining a more accurate picture of your hormonal health.
Best regards,
Dr Barroso
Voir plus
By blood test and in salive
Blood test before 8 am!
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