Hello, I had a fall on Saturday where I hit my head. I slept most of Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Tuesday morning I noticed my right eye being blurry when looking at my computer and it gives me a funny nauseating feeling. I went to the Urgency they did a CT scan and extensive eye checks. There seems to be no blood on the scans and nothing physically wrong with my eye. The emergency Dr, told me to take one day of work, and they gave me some eye drops to lubricate my eye. I was back at work today. However, my eye is still blurring and I feel tired really quickly when I have to read on the computer. Is this normal, should I just go through this feeling until it disappears? Should I book another consultation? I don't want to spent another day at the ER
You should address your GP about this, not go back to ER.
Take rest and arnica 30k
Maybe it is a good idea to consult with your GP regarding this issue. And is any imaging examination are needed, I will be glad to try to help you
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