I want to perform a sclerotherapy, in small red veins and after 2 days I am travelling for vacations and I want to swim in the sea. it is a really minor issue behind my knee mostly for cosmetic reasons I want to get rid of it. Is it ok to swim after 48 hours?
You can swin 48h after sclerosis but it's not admise to take à long flight the following week.
Have a nice day
Yes you can swim after sclerotherapy
Usually it is advised not to swim for 10 days after the treatment.
Hello ,
Sclerotherapy with aethoxysklerol has to be performed on a skin that has not been exposed for 4 weeks to the sun previous to the injection and on a skin that will not be exposed for 4 more weeks.
Sun exposition can induce skin marks.
I also would not advice to go in the water before 48h for hygiene reason
Kind regards
Sclerotherapy for cosmetic reasons isn't an urgent matter so will best not be done before a travel neither immediate sun exposition. Swimming is no problem, nevertheless temporary compressive therapy is advised.
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