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Zoi Mylona



My name is Zoi and I am trained in the Integrative Model of Systemic Therapy. I offer therapy to English-speaking and Greek-speaking individuals, couples, families and groups in person and online. I have been living in Brussels since 2008 and I have been offering my services since 2018. I am a certified systemic counsellor and an official member of the European Association for Counselling and the Hellenic Association of Counselling. I work and I live in a holistic way, that is, I combine academic achievements (University degrees), lifelong learning (seminars, trainings, congresses, conferences) and mindfulness to enrich my practice and be shaped as a person and as a therapist. The Integrative Model of Systemic Therapy makes room for a holistic approach in practising therapy. As humans, we are multidimensional and have multifaceted personalities and talents. Therefore, there is no “one-size-fits-all” in therapy. To this end, my training in therapy has equipped me with a wide range of tools, techniques, theories and interventions which I tailor to your very personal needs and requests. I am skilled at listening and concentrating on your own agenda, potential and strengths. We collaboratively decide on what suits you best and we accordingly plan the next steps for our sessions. I embrace diversity and my practice is informed about and friendly to groups of people vulnerable to exclusion (e.g. LGBTQI+, disability, migrants…). The holistic approach that I practice sheds light into people’s unique personalities, stories and life situations. Therapy offers new insights on how to know ourselves better and relate with others so that relationships become a source of joy, inspiration and fulfilment. I have always been curious about and interested in human nature and relationships. I am fascinated with the way people perceive the world around them, interact, and relate with one another. In my search for answers to better understand myself and the international environment in which we live, I embarked on an educational journey which consisted of studies in international and European affairs, translation, language sciences, theatre, and improvisation comedy. I travelled around the world, I learnt seven languages, and I took courses in mindfulness, meditation and energetic healing. I am a motivational public speaker and a writer.

La description a été rédigée par le praticien


  • Deuil
  • Thérapie familiale
  • Thérapie multiréférentielle
  • Parentalité
  • Psychologie interculturelle
  • Problèmes de communication
  • Gestion du stress

Types de consultation

Les prix donnés sont indicatifs. Le praticien est libre d'adapter ses honoraires en fonction de la pathologie.

Accès et Rendez-vous

  • Zoi Mylona Therapist, Rue Victor Hugo 72, Schaerbeek
    • Stationnement facile
  • Moyens de paiement


    Politique des rendez-vous

    • Paiement sur place
      Lors de votre visite, vous pouvez sélectionner le mode de paiement de votre choix parmi les options mentionnées ci-dessus.
    • Annulation
      Vous pouvez toujours annuler jusqu'à 24 heures avant le rendez-vous. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez lire notre Politique d'annulation.



  • License, Laboratory for the Study of Human Relations, Systemic therapy - Integrative model for systemic therapy (2015 - 2019)
  • License, Laboratory for the Study of Human Relations, Systemic counselling - Integrative model of systemic counselling (2015 - 2018)
  • Bachelor, The Open University, Psychology Honours (2018 - Présent)
  • License, ICEEFT - International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy, Externship in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (2021)
  • Certificate, Ministry of Health - University Hospital of Arcadia, Training for Mental Health Professionals (2008)
  • Master, U-Mons, Language sciences, Specialisation in Translation (2008 - 2010)
  • Bachelor, Panteion University, International & European affairs (2002 - 2007)

Expériences professionnelles

  • Systemic therapist, Freelancer, Belgium (2023 - Présent)
  • Training for Mental Health Professionals, Ministry of Health - University Hospital of Arcadia, Greece (2008)
  • Systemic counsellor, Freelancer, Greece (2018 - 2022)
  • Mental health professional, Mental Health Day Centre AMALTHEIA , Greece (2008)

Membre d'associations

  • Hellenic Association of Counselling - Ελληνική Εταιρία Συμβουλευτικής, Member (2018 - Présent)
  • European Association for Counselling, Official Member (2018 - Présent)

Participation à des conférences

  • Going deeper with the pursuer, EFT Maine (2024)
  • Attachment, neurosciences & psychotherapy, Logo Psychis (2023)
  • The use of projective cards in therapy & coaching, AntiLoneliness (2023)
  • Trauma and Self-Harm -- Increase Safety with a New Approach to Cutting, Bingeing, and Addictive Behaviors, PESI (2023)
  • From conflict to connection through safe attachment, AntiLoneliness (2022)
  • Developing a tool to assess the need for psychological first aid to adolescent school pupils, Médécins du Monde (2022)
  • Struggling for connection: Emotionally Focused Therapy & violence in couple's relationship, EFT Greek Network (2021)
  • Raising awareness on LGBTQI+ issues in counselling & therapy, ORLANDO LGBT+ (2021)
  • Training course on International Solidarity for Peace, PeaceWorks (2021)
  • Inclusion & Diversity, SALTO (2021)
  • Visible and Invisible: Bordering Change in Systemic Family Therapy, EFTA - European Family Therapy Association (2019)
  • Danse et thérapie - Rencontres Chorégraphiques d'Abidjan, Danse l'Afrique (2019)
  • Narrative response to trauma in conditions of uncertainty, University of Athens (2018)
  • Origins & Originality in family therapy & systemic practice, EFTA - European Family Therapy Association (2016)
  • Mindfulness, Brussels Mindfulness Institute (2015)

Langues parlées

  • Anglais
  • Grec

Recherches académiques et publications

  • Garyfallaki, A. & Mylona, Z. (2023) ‘Η σχέση των αδερφών μέσα από αρχαιοελληνικούς μύθους και τραγωδίες’ (The siblings relationship as seen in Ancient Greek mythology and tragedies) in Ch. Katakis & P. Spanou (eds) Τα αδέρφια μας (Our siblings), Athens: Patakis Publications. (co-author, in writing), Laboratory for the Study of Human Relations (2023)
  • Mylona, Z. & Tsarbopoulou, M. (2023) ‘Η μελέτη της ελληνικής οικογένειας: μια διαχρονική ματιά’ (The study of Greek family: a diachronic outlook) in Ch. Katakis (ed) Οι τρεις ταυτότητες της ελληνικής οικογένειας - Σαράντα χρόνια μετά (The three identities of the Greek family - Forty years later), Athens: Patakis Publications. (co-author, in printing), Laboratory for the Study of Human Relations (2023)
  • Gerantoni, K. & Mylona, Z. (2019) ‘Change of hat - from training to clinical practice’ [Lecture]. W_011: Workshop. Palazzo Pacanowski. 12 September. (co-author, rapporteur), Laboratory for the Study of Human Relations (2019)
  • Katakis, Ch., Garyfallaki, A., Gerantoni, K., Mylona, Z. and Tsarbopoulou, M.A. (2019) ‘The use of self in clinical supervision: An integrative approach’ [Lecture]. W_001: Workshop. Palazzo Pacanowski. 12 September. (co-author, rapporteur), Laboratory for the Study of Human Relations (2019)
  • Katakis, Ch. & Ziouvas, Ch. (2019) Άνδρας - Η σιωπηρή επανάσταση (Man - The silent revolution). Athens: Patakis Publications. ISBN: 978-960-16-8361-4 (Collaborator), Laboratory for the Study of Human Relations (2019)
  • Mylona, Z. (2019) ‘Les traits thérapeutiques de la danse traditionnelle africaine et le paradigme grec’ (The therapeutic features of traditional African dancing and the Greek paradigm) [Lecture]. Rencontres Chorégraphiques d’Abidjan Conference. Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny. 24 April., Freelancer for Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny (2019)


Quelle est l'adresse du professionnel de santé Zoi Mylona ?

Le praticien Zoi Mylona est localisée au Avenue des Courses 7 à Schaerbeek.

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Quels sont les méthodes de paiement acceptées par le praticien Zoi Mylona ?
Quelles langues le praticien Zoi Mylona parle-t-il ?
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