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Carine Duray-Parmentier Psychotherapist | doctoranytime Carine Duray-Parmentier Psychotherapist | doctoranytime
License number: 408499

Carine Duray-Parmentier

Psychotherapist in Namur

    • Centre de Psychothérapie de Namur, Rue des Oeillets 25, Namur, Region of Namur
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Family and Systemic PSYCHOTHERAPIST - PSYCHOTRAUMATOLOGIST Multidisciplinary approach to Sexual Abuse - Domestic Domination Processes (Domestic Violence), HP and ADHD, Eating Disorders (Anorexia, Bulimia, ARFID), Burn out, Harassment (school / work,...)

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  • Systemic psychotherapy
  • Stress and burnout
  • Trauma case
  • Eating disorders

Access Information

    • Centre de Psychothérapie de Namur, Rue des Oeillets 25, Namur, Region of Namur
  • Access for people with disabilities

    • This location provides access to people with disabilities.
  • Parking

    • Easy parking

Payment Methods

    • Bank Card
    • Cash
    • Payconiq


  • Couple therapy 110€
  • General consultation 60€



  • HENAC+UCL+ULG+1992 : Bachelor's degree in Social Work followed by a continuing education in Psychological Sciences and Educational Sciences at UCL via VAE (Valorisation des Acquis, preparatory year to Master) - Trainings 3 rd cycle university 1) University Certificate in Multidisciplinary Approach to Sexual Abuse (UCL, 2012); 2) University Certificate in Psychotraumatology (ULg, 2020-2022) - Integrated Psychotraumatology; Solution-oriented Brief Therapy (IGB, Liège); Process of Conjugal Domination (SSMG); Addiction (Alto, Namur); Training and personal work in Jungian Psychoanalysis
  • UCL
  • ULG
  • ucl, Bachelier Assistante sociale + Thérapie familiale et Systémique (CEFS, Bxles) + Approche multidisciplinaire de l'Abus sexuel suivi de la formation en psychotraumatologie (en cours) et du master en psychologie clinique adulte (en cours)
  • Master en Sciences Psychologiques et Sciences de l'Education (en cours), UCL Louvain-la-Neuve, Sciences Psychologiques à finalité spécialisée (en cours/student) (2022 - Présent)

Professional experience

  • Recognized as a Family and Systemic Psychotherapist, on June 10, 2013+and holder of the CEP N°408999 (Assimilated to the Clinical Psychologist)+works at the Centre de Psychothérapie de Namur

Organisations member

  • 1) Accredited by the Belgian Association of Psychotherapy (ABP-BVP) and holder of a CEP (European Certificate of Psychotherapy) n° 408999. Since 01/01/2021, the Psychotherapist holding a CEP is now assimilated to Clinical Psychologists. 2) Accredited and effective member of the Belgian Association for Intervention in Family and Systemic Psychotherapy (ABIPFS) and the European Family Therapy Association (EFTA) since June 10, 2013 + 3) Effective member of Alter-Psy since 2016 + 4) Member of the ESTSS - European Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, since January 2021

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French
  • Italian

Academic Research and Publications

  • Vous trouverez ces articles sur le lien :
  • ou sur le blog : "Le Jardin d'une Psy" ET aussi sur PubMed ou researchgates.
  • [1] Quelles sont les solutions internes et externes (concept de résilience) que nous pouvons apporter face à un parent « toxique » (ou pervers manipulateur narcissique) ?, Acta Psychiatrica Belgica, n°118/3; 2019; 16-30, Carine Duray-Parmentier, Noémie Nielens
  • [2] Aspect médico-psychologique relatif à l’épidémie du coronavirus : mise en place d’une stratégie de soutien pour le personnel soignant par les médecins coordinateurs dans les maisons de repos et de soins en Belgique ou EHPAD en France et impact psychologique pour les résidents de ces maisons de repos et de soins privées et publiques, syndrome de glissement.
  • Acta Psychiatrica Belgica;120/3; 2020; 32-37
  • Carine Duray-Parmentier, Jean-Baptiste Lafontaine, Noémie Nielens
  • 3] Séquelles psychopathologiques consécutives aux abus sexuels : mécanismes de prise de conscience et de résilience et impact sur le comportement alimentaire.
  • Acta Psychiatrica Belgica ; 2020,120/4; 5-17
  • Carine Duray-Parmentier, Noémie Nielens
  • [4] Aspect médico-Psychologique relatif à l’épidémie du coronavirus : mise en place d’une stratégie de soutien pour le personnel soignant par les médecins coordinateurs dans les maisons de repos et de soins en Belgique ou Ehpad en France et impact psychologique pour les résidents de ces maisons de repos et de soins privées. Gériatrie Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement, 2021,19 (4):359-65
  • Carine Duray-Parmentier, Noémie Nielens, Jean-Baptiste Lafontaine, Pascal Janne, Maximilien Gourdin
  • [5] The aftermath of the Covid-19 crisis in the field of intimacy: how to bounce back and rethink our values? Encephale. 2022 Jan 7:S0013-7006(21)00262-1.
  • PMID: 35012900; PMCID: PMC8741172. 1 citation
  • Carine Duray-Parmentier, Noémie Nielens, Dan Duray, Pascal Janne, Maximilien Gourdin
  • [6] Psychological impact of Covid-19 lockdown on staff and residents of nursing homes in Belgium and France. Gériatrie Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement, 2022,
  • 1 citation
  • Carine Duray-Parmentier, Noémie Nielens, Jean-Baptiste Lafontaine, Pascal Janne, Maximilien Gourdin
  • [7] Eating Disorders as an alternative to sexuality – how does eating disorders affect sexuality ? International Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (MedCrave); 2022;15(1):65-70
  • Carine Duray-Parmentier, Noémie Nielens, Pascal Janne, Maximilien Gourdin
  • 8 What are the internal and external solutions (concept of resilience) that we can bring to a “toxic” parent (or perverse narcissic manipulator)? International Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (MedCrave); 2022;15(4):201‒211 Carine Duray-Parmentier, Noémie Nielens, Elin Duray, Pascal Janne, Maximilien Gourdin
  • Impact Factor: 2.381* *2020 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate, 2021) 1 citation
  • 9 Stress factor related to the reception of Ukrainian refugees and hosts in Europe. Int.J.Complementary Alt. Medicine (MedCrave); 2022;15 (5):274-275
  • Carine Duray-Parmentier
  • 10 Analysis of the therapeutic impact on a patient suffering from a personality disorder with a possible perverse connotation and dissociation disorder in a traumatic context. Int. J. Complementary Alt. Medicine (MedCrave) ; 2022 ; p.3-18 ISBN : 978-1-7352436-1-0 Carine Duray-Parmentier, Noémie Nielens, Pascal Janne, Maximilien Gourdin
  • [11] Le « normal » et le « pathologique » à la lumière de la liberté : petit essai de re-conceptualisation - The ‘normal’ and the ‘pathological’ in the light of freedom: A small attempt to establish a new conceptualization; Annales-Médico-Psychologiques, mars 2023, Anne-Frédérique Naviaux, Carine Duray-Parmentier, Pascal Janne, Maximilien Gourdin
  • D’autres sont en cours….
  • Article “Contre le syndrome de glissement, une stratégie de soutien pour le personnel soignant par les médecins coordinateurs dans les maisons de repos et de soins, Journal Mediquality du net du 26, 27 et 28/07/2022, Carine Duray-Parmentier, Noémie Nielens, Jean-Baptiste Lafontaine, Pascal Janne, MaximilienGourdin
  • interview : HP+TDAH par Catherine SC. dans une vidéo YouTube “Une Psy à la Maison »

Answers to patient questions

  • General topics

    What body focused therapies would you recommend for burnout (to complement talk therapy)?

    • Body-focused therapies can be valuable complements to talk therapy for addressing burnout. Here are some recommendations:

      Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR): MBSR combines mindfulness meditation and yoga to cultivate awareness of the present moment and reduce stress. It can help individuals with burnout develop coping strategies and increase resilience.
      Yoga Therapy: Yoga incorporates physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. Yoga therapy, tailored to individual needs, can help alleviate physical tension and mental fatigue associated with bu
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      Carine Duray-Parmentier

      Carine Duray-Parmentier

  • Couple Therapy

    why won't my husband stop smoking even though he knows it bothers me? he knows it puts a strain on our relationship but he still does it. he promises to stop but then after a few months, he does it again. whenever he picks up the habit again it starts slowly, and then he falls right back into it. I am so frustrated to the point of having a headache because I am tired of repeating the same thing repeatedly. It always feels like a betrayal every time he starts smoking again because I put my trust in his words when he says he understands the strain his smoking has on our relationship. Whenever I find out that he has smoked, my mood changes. Then our day gets ruined then I start feeling guilty or responsible for the ominous atmosphere that has been created. But I can't accept this bad habit. He sees the strain it has on our relationship but I don't know why he just won't make up his mind. I wish he would just stop making promises that he can't keep. He could just tell me that he can't quit smoking just because it bothers me and that if he is ever to quit someday it will come from him. And he won't be quitting just because of me.

    • Dear Madam, an addiction is very difficult to stop with a snap of the fingers and even less if you put pressure on it. what meaning does it make for your husband to smoke? Is it to calm anxiety? I would suggest that you take a step back and find qualities in your husband, so that he has less pressure and perhaps he could consider reducing his smoking. a positive attitude helps much better than fixating on the problem. Carine Duray

      Carine Duray-Parmentier

      Carine Duray-Parmentier

  • Psychotherapy

    I am trying to get off my antidepressants paroxetine. I started taking them 2 years ago due to a burnout with a lot of anxiety. It helps for the anxiety but at the same time it gives an extremely sedative feeling that i cant deal with anymore. I tapered down and last week i tried to stop. I was off of them for 12 days and the sedative feeling was less but then around day 9 i spiraled into panic attack and took the medication again. But now i just cannot deal with the sedative feeling. I dont know what to do. I feel like i cant do anything, like someone is holding me back. I havent eaten in 5 days

    • Thank you for sharing what you’re going through. It’s clear that you are experiencing a very difficult time, and it’s normal to feel lost in this situation. Here are some reflections and suggestions that may help you:

      Recognizing the challenges of withdrawal: Stopping antidepressants like paroxetine can be a complicated and sometimes difficult process, especially after two years of treatment. The sedative feeling you are experiencing is a common side effect, and it’s essential to discuss your concerns with a healthcare professional.
      Consult a professional: If you haven’t already, I recommend consulting your doctor or a psychiatri
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      Carine Duray-Parmentier

      Carine Duray-Parmentier

The content of the answers is strictly informative and should not be considered a substitute for medical advice


What is the address of the health professional Carine Duray-Parmentier?

The practitioner Carine Duray-Parmentier is situated at Rue des Oeillets 25 in Namur.

Is the Carine Duray-Parmentier health professional accepting new patients?
What payment methods does Carine Duray-Parmentier accept?
What languages does the Carine Duray-Parmentier practitioner speak?
Is the Carine Duray-Parmentier practitioner a member of any associations?
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