• General topics
  • Submitted on 23/06/2023

Why does my arm feel hot sometimes without being hot to the touch?

Hi, I'm 29 years old and sometimes i experience heat on one part of my arm. Like half of my arm feels hot than the other. It's not hot when i touch it but i feel hot sensations on that part of the arm. It comes and goes away. Please let me know who i can see to have this checked out.

4 specialists answered

  • Hello
    It s better to consult a général practionner to make a paper for a ct scan of the cervical.

    Myriam Ou-Cherif

    General practitioner


  • HI, you must see an neurologist

    Nsangu Nzeza Kiluangu

    General practitioner


  • A lot of raison can do that sort of problème. If you see your familly d’octuor he will prescribe the nécessaire test (EMG or Échographie etc)

    Julien Debeaumont

    General practitioner


  • You can always book an appointment with a general doctor that can already give you some information and prescribe exams to understand better the situation and a find a good diagnosis. Kind regards, Dr Salama

    Tslilia Salama

    General practitioner

    Halle Brabant Flamand

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