• General topics
  • Submitted on 27/03/2023

Pain in Left Arm for 6-7 Months, Numbness in Last Two Fingers, EMG Normal

Hello! I've had pain in my left arm for about 6-7 months. It began with finger numbness and progressed to constant pain and high sensitivity on the two last fingers of the hand. The numbness was gone after some electric stimulation, but the pain lingered depending on the weather. I had the EMG/ENG electromyography/electroneurography done, but nothing on the test. Some guidance please?

5 specialists answered

  • Repeat EMG, do cervical mri scan, see a neurosurgeon for advice (osteopath might help as well)

    Meni Mundama



  • Hi, from the information given, it look like a neuropathic issue, either cubital nerve or a cervical nerve root impingment. The EMG test might sometimes be underestimating a compression.
    A clinical examination and further anamnestic informations should help figuring out what is happening.

    Mathieu David



  • Hi,
    Usually the EMG/ENG could be negative at the beginning of some nerve compression.
    The first option could be an ulnar nerve entrapment at the elbow or a low cervical root compression.
    Less often there could be a plexopathy or a metabolic or esle neuropathy.
    The examination of the arm is the first step.

    Sofiane Boulares



  • You probly have a contracture of the posterior scapular muscles. This muscular cramp gives typical irradiating pain.
    I would give a trial session of dry needling .

    Gert Van Den Bogaert

    Orthopedic surgeon specializing in shoulder, knee and sports injuries


  • Electromyography is not 100% sensitive for the diagnosis of Ulnar entrapment syndrome: your symptoms are suggestive of this, a thorough clinical examination and ultrasound study of your elbow could help.

    Paschalis Sidiras



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