Euthanasia, assisted suicide...i need to find a specialist for this case.who deals with this?please,i need a name of a doctor or a clinic.i have asked in other countries and i am very tired,i wish to die .i need a concrete answer.thank you
To see with your doctor if you have a medical reason
You first have to visit your GP to discuss your demand, the cause and help you with your distress.
That depend of which country you are from…
You should respect and follow the rules and law if your country
The best way to obtain an answer to your question is to book an appointment with a "Consultation fin de vie" (end-of-life consultation):
Pr François Damas at CHR La Citadelle (Liège): 32(0)43218825
In other hospitals,: see
See an général doctor to Check if your case suit to euthanasie
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