Hello. I have started to experience a lingering pain in my back on the right hand side. The pain seems to be located between my ribs and it restricts my mobility when I try to rotate/twist my upper body to the right. Heat packs seem to relieve the pain but only momentarily and even anti inflammatory do not help that much. Any advice on who I should see? This issue is starting to affect my quality of life. Many thanks.
If you also have difficulty breathing deeply, there may be a joint, vertebral or costo-vertebral blockage. An osteopathic consultation may be necessary.
It's crucial to have a healthcare professional evaluate your pain to determine the cause and appropriate treatment. Starting with your primary care physician is a good first step, and they can guide you to the right specialist if necessary. In the meantime, continue with heat therapy, gentle movements, and consider different pain relief options.
Go see un physiotherapist.
Paracetamol or sanax will work
Hello! It seems like you're suffering from some sort of dorsal or lumbar blockage. This blockage can have several causes, which can be investigated further during a consultation and examination. From my experience, these types of blockages are often muscular in nature and can be easily addressed with manual therapy and specific stretching exercises. I recommend consulting with a physiotherapist to assist you. Have an excellent day :)
I think you should start with your GP to discuss about trying a physiotherapy treatment.
A physiotherapist specialised in musculoskeletal diseases or sport can help you, or an osteopath.
Best regards,
Thibault Cramesnil Physiotherapist
I understand that is problematic in your life. You should get a physiotherapist with a prescription of a Doctor. It will help you very quickly. What you can do is put a little ball (like a tennis ball, strong ball) and put it on the wall. You put yourself with your back on the wall with the tennis ball between you and the wall. You put the ball at the level of your back pain and do movements up and down with your body. The ball will push on your back at the localisation of the pain. You do this during 5 minutes each days (during a few days) and it will be better after.
Take care
It sounds like you're dealing with some significant discomfort. Seeing a healthcare professional like a physiotherapist, chiropractor, or even a primary care doctor would be a good first step. They can assess your symptoms, conduct any necessary tests, and recommend a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. Don't hesitate to seek help, especially if it's impacting your daily life.
Go to osteopath
You have to see a doctor before anything to diagnose the problem.
The doctor will probably send you to a physiotherapist to start an exercise-based program after helping you to manage your pain
Have a good day :)
Hello, you can see a doctor and ask for a physiotherapy prescription.
Hello you should see a doctor to make the point. Then you'll see but you will proably have to see a physiotherapist.
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