Hi, I received lab results which my doctor asked for. Do I have to send it to him or he will automatically receive it too (it was in lab out of the clinic in which he works)? Thank you
In most cases, if the lab where you had your tests done is not directly associated with your doctor's clinic, you will need to actively send the lab results to your doctor. Labs typically do not automatically forward results to healthcare providers unless specifically requested to do so by the patient or the healthcare provider.
You can usually request a copy of your lab results from the lab itself, either by picking them up in person or having them mailed or emailed to you. Once you have the results, you can then send them to your doctor by fax, email, or through your doctor's preferred method of communication.
It...39;s important to ensure that your doctor receives the results so they can review them and provide any necessary follow-up or guidance based on the findings. If you're unsure about how to send the results or if you have any questions about the results themselves, you can always contact your doctor's office for assistance.
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