Hi, ..My answer is a bit late, but i think i can help. If not to late for you please give me a call ore make an appointment online. regards Francisco.
Hello Mrs/Mr, first, sorry for my imperfect english. There is no specialization needed for a discal hernia treatment. Every good osteopath must be able to meet you. He/she will made a physical exam to evaluate your symptoms and propose you a manual treatment adapted, with some tips to releive them at home. If necessary, he/she will recommend you to visit the right specialist.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any other questions regarding this.
Kind regards
Maïlys Lecompte
Ostéopathe D.O.
le traitement en ostéopathie classique est indiqué mais surtout un traitement en kinésithérapie
An osteopath with thorough university training, particularly in orthopedics, will be able to provide relief for the symptoms associated with a discal hernia. While they cannot heal the hernia itself, the reabsorption of the hernia can generally occur after six months, taking into account various factors such as the patient’s age, lifestyle, sex, and occupation. During this process, the osteopath can significantly reduce pain and symptoms. Moreover, a dedicated osteopath will offer specific guidance on the habits to adopt to support optimal recovery and prevent further aggravation of the condition.
I wish you a speedy recov...ery.
Hovik Najaryan
Ostéopathe D.O
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The treatment of disc herniation is included in the standard osteopathic diploma program, no specialization is required.
Any qualified osteopath should be capable of treating a discal hernia. Osteopaths are trained to manage musculoskeletal issues, including discal hernias, through manual therapy and other techniques. However, it’s important to ensure that the osteopath you choose is comfortable working with this condition. If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to ask the osteopath about their experience and approach to treating herniated discs.
Best regards.
Hello, normal every osteopath can give you a treatment for that.
Hello, all osteopaths must be able to treat treat herniated discs .
Traditionally, osteopathy is a general approach to health, based on the idea that the body functions as an interconnected unit, where each part influences the others. While traditional osteopathy is holistic, modern practice has evolved to meet the specific needs of patients.
For the treatment of a discal hernia (slipped disc), you should seek an osteopath who specializes in musculoskeletal disorders…someone trained to assess, diagnose, and treat conditions related to the spine, including discal hernias.
However, don’t spend too much time searching for a specific specialization. Even though some osteopaths focus on particula...r areas, they often continue to adopt a global approach.
The most important aspect is finding a therapist you trust.
Let me know if I can help you further!
I am available for any additional questions you may have ! Take Care
Basile D.
Voir plus
There is no specialization in osteopathy. All the osteopath should help you.
An osteopath with musculo-skeletal skills
Hello, osteopathy does not specialize in herniated discs. All osteopaths are trained to know what to do when faced with a particular type of herniated disc. What's more, if you've had imaging (MRI, CT scan) showing the herniation, bring your imaging report with you to your consultation to see what type of herniation it is. Some hernias are manually reducible, others are not.
Hello, There is not a specialization for discal hernia.
It is important to have a global approach which includes 2 or 3 aspects of the practice in osteopaty to find the best way to help the patient and to eventually solve the problem carefully..
I am available with plaeasure. Best regards.
I think all osteopaths should be able to help but one specialised in sports related issues like Adrien Pottin or posturology like Giuseppe Ragno might add other aspects that you may benefit from as treatment is one aspect but prevent it to return is another in the healing process.
Hello, any osteopath should be able to help you. No specialization is required.
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