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  • Sujets généraux
  • Soumise le 20/11/2024

Who do I see for thumb and wrist pain from rock climbing?

Who do I see about wrist/thumb pain? I have had pain in my thumb and wrist, mostly when picking things up (like a mug of tea). I was rock climbing regularly when it started to bother me, and after resting it for two months, it still is causing me pain. There was no specific moment that caused the injury.

12 praticiens ont répondu

  • You can see a General practitionner or eventually a doctor specialized in physical and rehabilitation

    David Nayis



  • You can go see a generalist then a physio

    Shendo Van Kerckhoven



  • hand surgeon

    Benjamin Lallement



  • Hello,
    An orthopedist should be the best in this case
    Best regards
    Thibault Cramesnil Physiotherapist

    Thibault Cramesnil



  • Hello,
    You can first go to your GP or a physical doctor. They will be able to redirect you to the best healthvcare professional. This works like this in Belgium. If you can directly go to a physiotherapist, you can also go there.

    Thomas Hansoulle



  • Hello, it's good that there was no trauma to the hand, so it's nothing serious. But often a little thing in the wrist joints causes a lot of discomfort, even pain. This is an orthopedic area, so you should try to see an orthopedist, but as delays are often long, you may want to see a physiotherapist (specialized in manual therapy) or an osteopath for an assessment. best regards

    Michalon Gilles



  • Hello, you may see a doctor first for a proper diagnosis and to rule out specific injuries. They may then refer you to a physiotherapist for tailored treatment and recovery exercises.

    Adam Usseault



  • Hello, it would be best to consult a sports doctor in order to get a diagnosis, and they will refer you to a specialist for optimal care and the best treatment suited to your condition. It is difficult for me to provide an opinion on your issue without further information. I wish you a speedy recovery.

    Christophe Maton



  • Un/e kiné peut vous aider. Le mieux en sportive

    Aida Borraz



  • That’s can be nervous trouble or a tendinitis. Check work a phydical doctor or a spécialiste of hand in orthopedic Dr Libouton

    Lorenzo Dragonetti D.O.



  • For wrist and thumb pain, especially related to activities like rock climbing and exacerbated by gripping or lifting, you should see a hand specialist. Here are your options for specialists and steps to take:

    1. Orthopedic Hand Specialist

    • These are orthopedic doctors who focus on injuries and conditions of the hand, wrist, and forearm. They can evaluate structural issues like tendinitis, ligament damage, or early arthritis.

    2. Certified Hand Therapist (CHT)

    • Hand therapists specialize in rehabilitation of the hand and wrist. They can help with movement assessments, strengthening, and pain management. O
    ... Voir plus

    Loic Bullock



  • Hello, a physiotherapist seems to be the most specific practitioner to see at the moment. You need to ask a prescription from your general practitioner to take an apointment with a physiotherapist.
    Kind regards.

    Adélie Priem



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