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  • Psychothérapie
  • Soumise le 29/04/2024

How to Stop Paroxetine for Anxiety Without Severe Sedative Effects?

I am trying to get off my antidepressants paroxetine. I started taking them 2 years ago due to a burnout with a lot of anxiety. It helps for the anxiety but at the same time it gives an extremely sedative feeling that i cant deal with anymore. I tapered down and last week i tried to stop. I was off of them for 12 days and the sedative feeling was less but then around day 9 i spiraled into panic attack and took the medication again. But now i just cannot deal with the sedative feeling. I dont know what to do. I feel like i cant do anything, like someone is holding me back. I havent eaten in 5 days

8 praticiens ont répondu

  • Getting off paroxetine feels like a fight you can’t win. You quit, panic hits, you go back, and now you’re stuck with the sedative fog.

    Here’s the truth: your brain is adjusting, not failing.

    Quitting too fast? Boom, withdrawal hits like a truck.
    Stay on it? You feel like a zombie.

    The way out? A slower taper, not cold turkey. Mindfulness + ACT to handle anxiety instead of running from it. Hydrate, eat, breathe. It’s tough, but you won’t stay stuck forever.

    🔹 Talk to a pro, get a real taper plan. You deserve to feel like yourself again.

    Paulo Romero



  • Thank you for sharing what you’re going through. It’s clear that you are experiencing a very difficult time, and it’s normal to feel lost in this situation. Here are some reflections and suggestions that may help you:

    Recognizing the challenges of withdrawal: Stopping antidepressants like paroxetine can be a complicated and sometimes difficult process, especially after two years of treatment. The sedative feeling you are experiencing is a common side effect, and it’s essential to discuss your concerns with a healthcare professional.
    Consult a professional: If you haven’t already, I recommend consulting your doctor or a psychiatri
    ... Voir plus

    Carine Duray-Parmentier



  • You have to check up with your psychiatrist!

    Mihai Albu

    Psychotherapist and Clinical psychologist


  • In these cases, medical treatment should be combined with psychotherapy. Slowly, the drug consumption is reduced, until it is completely eliminated, but the psychotherapy is to be continued.

    Mirela Oancea



  • Did you try psychotherapy ?

    Francis Mwami

    Psychomotorische therapeut - Biofeedback therapeut - Ademtherapeut


  • It can mean that either you're experiencing a withdrawal reaction, or that you need a longer lasting treatment because your disorder, whatever it is, is not resolved. You should ask your psychiatrist for a less sedating SSRI (eg escitalopram) and to add a psychotherapeutic approach.

    Christian Gilles



  • Hello there.
    Thank you for your courage to openly present your experience.
    When it comes to giving up antidepressants, it is a more gradual process rather than just stopping them off. While antidepressants like Paroxetine can treat the symptoms of anxiety, burnout, they do not always address its causes. This is why they're usually used in combination with therapy.
    I would strongly recommend talking to your doctor before you stop taking antidepressants as it is important that you do not stop taking antidepressants suddenly. Usually, the process involve reducing your dose gradually over several weeks – or longer, if you have
    ... Voir plus

    Luminita Rusu



  • Hello,

    Stopping an antidepressant should only be done with the indications of a medical psychiatrist and done progressively. I would recommend to contact a psychiatrist for this procedure.

    In parallel, contacting a therapist to analyze what is at hand during the panic attacks would be useful to help with the prevention and treat the underlying anxiety.

    Choosing your therapist will depend of your personal preferences (brief systemic therapy, psycho analysis, cognitive behavioural therapy…)

    Frederik Haspeslagh (Compte désactivé)



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