• Sujets généraux
  • Soumise le 04/10/2024

Should spotting after ovulation on birth control be a concern?

Hello, I was on birth control pills for approximately 5 years and then my gynecologist suggested that it would be a good reset for the body to stop for a couple of months and then start again and that's what I did. Now my problem is that when I started everything I think was okay because I don't remember anything at the the time but for a couples of months now, I have noticed, one or two days after the ovulation time, there is some blood spotting which only occurs for a day or two and normally it happens once at those days, it's not that I experience spotting for the whole day. So I wanted to ask if I should be concerned by that and immediately schedule an appointment with a gynecologist or it happens when you're on birth control. Thank you in advance for your help.

3 praticiens ont répondu

  • If this happens often you must see your gynecologist

    Anastasia Dimitriadou



  • I did not understand if you have started the pill again, if yes, you cannot ovulate because the pill blocks ovulation! so the spotting is not related to ovulation

    there can be several reasons why you have spotting, so I recommend that you talk to a specialist and recommend a transvaginal echo

    Stefania Mosele



  • Revoir le gynécologue par sécurité

    Pierre Flamme



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