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  • Sujets généraux
  • Soumise le 13/11/2023

What examinations should I do for arm pain from bone near left elbow?

Good afternoon, it’s been a couple of weeks that my arm hurts, the pain starts from the bone to the left of the elbow. What specific examinations should I do and which specialist should I consult?

22 praticiens ont répondu

  • YOu should consult an orthopedist to get an ultrasound prescription

    Pauline Ollero



  • You need to do an echography. Ask your GP

    Salah Assbane



  • Yes
    Ultrasound of elbow

    Ioan Dunca



  • A general practitioner is a good start. If needed, he will refer you to physiotherapist or specialized doctor.

    Thomas Hansoulle



  • Hello,
    You can consult a physiotherapist and start a treatment based on movement and exercises, you'll need a prescription from your doctor first. You don't need to do any kind of imageries, eventually an echography, but not much more.
    You can also stop the movements that reproduce your pain (typing on your keybord for example).

    Noémie Stubbe



  • Orthopedist Libouton at stLuc jospital

    Lorenzo Dragonetti D.O.



  • an orthopedic surgeon

    Benjamin Lallement



  • Hello,
    You can see a GP or an orthopedist, then a physiotherapist.
    Best regards,
    Thibault Cramesnil Physiotherapist

    Thibault Cramesnil



  • Hi,
    First thing to do is to go to your doctor. He will decide if it's necessary for you to do more exams or to go by a physio.

    Michael Lefebvre



  • Hi, you can go to a generalist doctor, he will probably either prescribe an X-ray or an echo. After that, based on the results or diagnosis, maybe you receive some sessions of physiotherapy.

    Margaux Delecole



  • Good afternoon ! A general practitioner should be able to assess your elbow properly. Afterwards, he could redirect you to a physical therapist if he thinks that that could help.

    Jérémy Vanderweyen



  • Hello, It could be various pathologies. It could be a tendinopathy or something else? We can't know without examining you. You should first go and see a health professional to have your elbow examined. Have you had trauma to your elbow or did it happen suddenly? Is the pain at rest or when you use your elbow? etc.. After seeing your gp, he or she can refer you to a qualified professional or physiotherapist.
    Have a nice day

    Romane Libert



  • Hello, first of all, you have to see an orthopedic surgeon to diagnose what happens. After that, he'll recommend you to make specific exams like IRM.

    Thomas Dehaes

    Kinésithérapie du Sport


  • Good morning,
    You can have an assessment done by an osteopath, so you can receive treatment directly if indicated. Or go see an orthopedist who may do imaging and prescribe rehabilitation care.
    Yours sincerely,

    Michalon Gilles



  • Hello, you can consult your GP for an initial diagnosis. Kind regards

    Raphaëlle Outrequin (Compte désactivé)



  • Good afternoon. You should consult a general practician for this. He would probably prescribe you an echography to see the state of your elbow and also physiotherapy sessions . Based on your symptoms you probably suffer from a " tennis elbow "

    Anthony Dorban



  • Hello, a physiotherapist's assessment is sufficient to find the origin of your pain. A visit to the general practitioner is necessary before the physiotherapist sessions.
    He will refer you to physiotherapy and, if necessary, a complementary X-ray.

    Loïc Vanoverbeke



  • Hi. You better visit a physiotherapist. But first go to a generalist doctor for a prescription.

    Neeva Benjamin



  • Hi , make an US of the elbow and go to see an orthopedist

    Nsangu Nzeza Kiluangu

    Médecin Généraliste


  • An orthopaefic surgeon

    Hans Mortele



  • Hi !

    You can go to a GP to have a physio prescription and come to the practice to do a diagnostic.

    Thibault Mathieu



  • persistent arm pain might warrant a visit to an orthopedic specialist. They may recommend examinations like X-rays or an MRI to assess the underlying issue. It's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for proper advice tailored to your situation.

    Loic Bullock



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