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I am an UK trained, English speaking psychologist with over 30 years experience. I am dedicated to supporting and guiding individuals or groups in achieving their personal or professional goals. By leveraging psychological principles, theories, and techniques, I can help you overcome challenges and develop your skills and strengths. My approach involves collaborative work with you to identify your goals and aspirations, assess your strengths and areas for improvement, and create strategies and action plans to achieve your objectives. I incorporate assessments, exercises, and other tools to foster self-awareness, build resilience, and enhance your emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills.

  • Numéro d'agrément: 632105744
La description a été rédigée par le praticien


Expérience relative

  • Gestion des conflits
  • Accompagnement psychologique
  • Psychologie du travail
  • Développement personnel
  • Problèmes de communication
  • Education
  • Psychologie interculturelle

University of Oxford - Department for Continuing Education Concept of Self (2014) Group Coaching (2016) Advanced Coaching (2017) Coaching Supervision (2019) Reflective Practice in Coaching (2020) Primary Certificate in Advanced Cognitive Behavioural Skills (2013) Primary Certificate in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy & Training (2013) Supervision in Coaching Psychology (BPS) (2012) Leadership and Self-Deception at Work (Arbinger) (2011) Career coaching for fulfilling work (BPS) (2010) High performance Coaching (Association for Coaching) 2009 Confidence coaching graduate (International Coach Federation) 2009 Certificate in Life Coaching – A Cognitive Behavioural Approach (2009) Consultancy Skills (BPS) (2008) Cognitive Coaching Master-class (Centre for Coaching & Stress Management) 2007

Types de consultation

Les prix donnés sont indicatifs. Le praticien est libre d'adapter ses honoraires en fonction de la pathologie.


    • Adresse
      Online Meetings, Brussels, Gent, Geel, Bruxelles
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Moyens de paiement

  • Politique des rendez-vous

    • Paiement sur place

      Lors de votre visite, vous pouvez sélectionner le mode de paiement de votre choix parmi les options mentionnées ci-dessus.

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      Vous pouvez toujours annuler jusqu'à 24 heures avant le rendez-vous. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez lire notre Politique d'annulation.



  • PhD, Cranfield University, Applied Psychology (1989 - 1994)
  • MSc - Applied Psychology, Cranfield Institute of Technology (UK), Applied Psychology (1988 - 1989)
  • MA - Law and Employment Relations, University of Leicester (UK), Faculty of Law (1999 - 2022)
  • BSc Biology, Kings College University of London (UK), Department of Biology (1983 - 1986)

Membre d'associations

  • British Psychological Society (UK), Associate Fellow (1984 - Present)
  • Division of Coaching Psychology (BPS) , Chartered Psychologist (2005 - Present)
  • National Career Development Association, USA, International Member (2012 - Present)
  • Psychologencommissie, Belgium, Member (2005 - Present)
  • European Association of Work and Organisational Psychology (EAWOP), Full member (2003 - Present)
  • Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) USA , International Associate (1995 - 2022)

Langues parlées

  • Anglais

Recherches académiques et publications

  • Taking love of learning back to school, Career Matters - the Career Development Institute (UK) (2019)
  • Taking learning back to school – building resilience amongst teachers. , British Psychological Society DOP Annual Conference, Stratford Upon Avon, January. (2018)
  • From Systems to Culture : The transition to engaged professional learning. , ECIS Learning Conference, Berlin (2013)
  • Finding your True Career Identity, AwayMagazine, Apr 1, Belgium (2011)
  • Banking on Knowledge, Proceedings of the Association of Professional Bankers Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka. (2007)
  • ‘Success - Hard work or just luck?’ – A psychological Framework. , Proceedings of CIMA Business Leaders Summit, Sri Lanka, Colombo, June 1-3, 2006. (2006)
  • Psychological Effects of Redundancy Law in Britain – a case study , - Proceedings of the Division of Occupational Psychology, Annual BPS Conference, Stratford Upon Avon, January. (2004)
  • British Redundancy legislation – Kicking you whilst you're down' , Psychology & Law. Proceedings of the International, interdisciplinary Conference 2003, Edinburgh , July. (2003)
  • What Are You Like?: A Personality Profile of Cancer and Palliative Care Nurses in the United Kingdom . , Cancer Nursing. 26(2):97- 104, April 2003. (2003)
  • What Are You Like?: A Personality Profile of Cancer and Palliative Care Nurses in the United Kingdom ,
  • , European Association of Palliative Care, Palermo, Sicily Italy. . 1 April 2001. (2001)
  • A Time for Change – So what's right for you? , Seminars & exhibition at the Career Alternatives for Scientists, 16 th – 17 th November 2001, Olympia , London . (2001)
  • Describing breast care nurses, Contribution to chapter on Personality in Tait A (1995) in Richardson A and Wilson-Barnett, J (eds) Nursing Research in Cancer Care, London : Scutari press. (1995)
  • The importance of the informational source in a Job Analysis, The Occupational Psychology Conference , BPS, Blackpool , UK (1984)


  • Quelle est l'adresse de la professionnelle de santé Chintha Dissanayake ?

    La praticienne Chintha Dissanayake est située au Brussels, Gent, Geel à Bruxelles.

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