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  • Sujets généraux
  • Soumise le 23/04/2024

Should I continue physiotherapy after incorrect epidural injection for neck hernia?

Good evening. 3 weeks ago I had epidural steroid injections to my spine ( neck herniaC5-c6 ). I started my Physiotherapy week ago. Few days ago I received documents from hospital that I had two injection to my spine one on the 21st March (C5-C6) second one on 29 th March (C6-C7)I knew straight away that something was wrong . I couldn’t walk I felt so much pain . Second injection has been done incorrectly ( wrong place ). I can’t get in touch with my orthopedist (holidays) I completely don’t know what to do with it. It hurts all the time. Should I continue with my physiotherapy or stop it till I will have my appointment with my Physiotherapist(2 nd May 2024) ? Please help

10 praticiens ont répondu

  • Hi,
    If the physiotherapy doesn't increase (or lower) the pain you can stick on it. But if you feel more pain during or after the treatment then I think you should stop and get in touch with your orthopedist as soon as possible.

    Alain Djoko



  • Hello, you have to discuss with your general practitioner and you physiotherapist. Maybe there's a way to adapt the session and adjust the exercices and stretchings, or just take a break of 1 week, or decrease the frequency of you appointment, etc. If there is no contraindication, the risk if you just stop the session is to make your body and muscles weaker and weaker and create more problem, except if you do regular sport.

    Adélie Priem



  • Hello,

    If you have neurological symptoms (tingeling, diminished sensitivity, loss of force and function, loss of reflexes) that progress over time, you should go to the emergency to have that tested. If there are no neurological symptoms then you should continue physiotherapy in my opinion.
    In any case, if you worry then you should discuss it with your treating physiotherapist and see if you continue or not.

    Have a nice day.

    Nick Verhoeven



  • Why don’t you ask your own physiotherapist ? He knows your case better

    Nathan Dieffembacq



  • Hello,
    Take physio or osteo appointments as soon as possible, as you shouldn't have to wait while suffering that much.
    Take care, be carreful and be brave in this painful moments,
    Thibault Cramesnil Physiotherapist

    Thibault Cramesnil



  • I'm sorry to hear about your experience. Since you're experiencing increased pain and discomfort after the second injection, it's best to pause your physiotherapy and seek medical advice as soon as possible. Try reaching out to another healthcare provider, such as your general practitioner or a different orthopedist, for guidance on how to proceed and to address the issue with the incorrect injection. Your health and well-being are the top priority.

    Loic Bullock



  • Hi,
    Did You already try some physiotherapy with special techniques adapted to discus hernia called Mc Kenzie Techniques ?

    Christophe Fauconnier



  • the physio increase your pain = stop
    the physio help you = continue

    Lorenzo Dragonetti D.O.



  • Good evening,
    You didn't describe your symptoms, so it's easier to refer patients with this information.
    In any case, it would be interesting to turn to other disciplines if physiotherapy doesn't help. Acupunctures, gentle osteopathy?

    Michalon Gilles



  • Hello,
    I think that it is not normal that you suffer so much. Injection should not be so painfull. I think you should not wait your orthopedist, stop with this physiotherapy and go to the emmergencies to see what's happen.
    Take care

    Christophe Maton



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