For ADHD diagnosis you would need to see a psychiatrist or a neuropsychologist. Hope this helps!
You should approach a neuropsychologist, or a clinical orthopedagogue. They will administer the tests.
Dear, I recommend visiting a specialized diagnostic center. It's important to undergo a thorough assessment, including the necessary tests, which should be conducted by a psychologist experienced in diagnostics. This will help you get a clear understanding and the appropriate guidance. Best regards
Going to see a psychiatrist or a neuropsychologist will help you get a diagnosis regarding the suspicion of ADHD.
You can then discuss possible treatments (medication or attention training) if you feel like the symptoms are interfering with your life.
You have to check with a psychiatrist and/or a clinical psychologist!
Hello. First a neuropsychologist for the diagnosis. Then a psychotherapist to help you deal with it (and eventually a MD if a medication is necessary). Don't hesitate to contact us for further questions.
Thank you for your message and for your courage to present your question.
When it comes to ADHD diagnosis, there is a team involved in the process. The Clinical Psychologist can apply the specific tests to support the diagnosis, however, is the psychiatrist (in some countries as well /or neurologist) - meaning a medical doctor who confirms the diagnosis.
Any other psychotherapist or psychoanalyst, although their support is important in the therapy process, does not have the role of diagnostician.
Now of course, it depends on what you are looking for…do you need a confirmation for yourself, to better understand yo...urself and not ready for a more formal this case the psychodiagnosis supported by a clinical psychologist is enough to give you some directions. If you are looking for treatment and proper follow up (the recommended approach) then it must be done and confirmed with a psychiatrist/neurologist as the diagnosis involves not only psychological tests but as well EKG, EEG (heart and brain tests) and possibly any other medical tests to evaluate your overall health in the option of a possible treatment.
As mentioned into a previous answer, for me, in the possible discussion about ADHD is ‘Who is in my team?’ as this is a psycho-medical condition – it is how your brain works, that it is managed with a team around you. The first step is a correct diagnosis. Then, I would look at the whole system around you: family - doctors (neurologist/ psychiatrist) - psychotherapist - work environment - relationships. It starts with a hard work on Understanding and Accepting your condition. (with yourself, your family, your personal/professional environment). It continues with a close professional support and follow up (neurologist or psychiatrist) for possible medication that will help relieve attention, agitation, impulsivity; work with a psychotherapist (a special guidance and / or behavioral psychotherapy or CBT could help you have structure in your life and manage your thousands thoughts ). There are as well various NGOs that can offer guidance and support - in Belgium the ADHD Association / TDAH in French, do a great job . ( ).
Unfortunately, there is no ‘one rule fits all’ approach, nevertheless remember you are not alone on this journey – do not hesitate to ask/find support around you. Courage. Psychologist Luminita Rusu
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Hello. For a diagnosis of ADHD it is better you approche a neuropshychologist or even better a neurologist.
For a ADHD diagnosis, I would recommend a neuropsychologist (they specialise in cognitive functioning) or a neurologist (a medical doctor).
Both are specialised in diagnosing and treating ADHD.
Hope this helps,
Jason Wood.
neither ! you go to either a neurologist or a psychiatrist. DO NOT GO TO AN ANALYST for anything adhd related !
Hi, the best is to go to a neuropsychologist. They are specialized in testing and helping people with ADHD
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